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dc.contributor.advisorSolihin, Dedy Duryadi
dc.contributor.advisorAtmowidi, Tri
dc.contributor.authorGusnenti, Astrid Darma
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to domesticate of Pachliopta aristolochia in screen house and laboratory. Sixty-seven P. aristolochiae were released into the screen house. From six pairs mated butterflies produced two hundred and sixty eggs layed. Forty eggs were studied in the research. Twenty larvae were maintained in screen house and the other twenty larvae were maintained in the laboratory. Twenty larvae that developed into pupa in the screen house, were moved into the laboratory. The other twenty larvae were maintained in the laboratory. The twenty larvae in the screen house turned into a pupa and only nineteen butterflies were in normal condition, with sex ratio 8/11. Larvae in the laboratory developed into twenty normal pupas and produced fifteen normal butterflies with a sex ratio 11/4. All butterflies in the screen house can continue to develop and reproduce as long as Aristolochia tagala as larvae food and nectar of flower as butterfly food are available. The life cyle of P. aristolochiae in screen house from egg until pupa was 35,9±6,76 days.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectAristolochia tagalaen
dc.titlePenangkaran Kupu Pachliopta aristolochia (Papilionidae: Lepidoptera) di Screen House dan Laboratoriumen

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