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dc.contributor.advisorAbdulrachman, Sarlan
dc.contributor.authorPratama, Akbar Adjie
dc.description.abstractNitrogen fertilizer in the form of urea has become a staple for farmers, especially in Indonesia. Consequently, applying such large quantities of urea cannot be avoided. The understanding of nutrient-use efficiency on paddy-field is needed to increase plant productivity and reduce environmental pollution because of the utilization of luxury urea fertilizer. The objective of this research was to quantify the nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE) on paddy-field. This study was conducted in field and green house. The experiments were carried out in the experimental field at the Indonesian Center For Rice Research (ICRR), Subang-West Java and farmer’s field at Bogor– West Java. The N fertilizer applied in ICRR and farmer field were 225 and 612.25 kg urea/ha, established in experimental plots of about 25 m2. The N fertilizer applied in the green house experiment were 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 kg urea/ha, respectivelly. The result showed that the NUE and N resorption were higher in ICRR than that of in farmer’s field. The green house experiment showed that the NUE and N resorption were higher under 500 kg urea/ha than other treatments. The plant growth, plant biomass, grain yield, NUET, NUEES, ANUE, PNUE dan N resorption were declined with the high availability in nitrogen-pool and increasing in large quantities at certain doses of N fertilizer.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectN resorptionen
dc.subjectNitrogen use efficiency (NUE)en
dc.titleEfisiensi Penggunaan Nitrogen Pada Padi (Oryza sativa L.)en

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