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Nutrient and asiaticocide biosynthesis diagnoses using plant tissues analyses to compose fertilizer recommendation and harvest system on asiatic pennywort (Centela asiatica).

dc.contributor.advisorGhulamahdi, Munif
dc.contributor.advisorDarusman, Latifah Kosim
dc.contributor.advisorSutandi, Atang
dc.contributor.advisorBermawie, Nurliani
dc.description.abstractBalanced and rational application of fertilizer can be achieved when the status and dynamics of the nutrients in the soil and in the plant’s requirements for the nutrients are taken into consideration for maximum production. This approach may be well-applied and profitable if the fertilizer recommendation is based on soil and plant tissue tests, but the result of plant tissues test is not worthly when there is no result of correlation and calibration. The disertation is composed based on the results of four experiments which aims are: 1) the exact leave tissue used for nutrients status NPK of asiatic pennywort diagnose, 2) the NPK status and NPK dosage of fertiilizer for maximum asiaticocide bioactive of asiatic pennywort, 3) the exact harvest system of asiatic pennywort for maximum production of asiaticocide bioactive, 4) to achieve the information of asiatic pennywort agriculture technique with maximum production of asiaticocide that fulfill the MMI condition (1.20 %) and 5) to know the range of NPK required for asiatic pennywort. The research was conducted at the research station Gunung Putri, Pacet, Cianjur district. The exact harvest of asiatic pennywort at high altitude for high production of aimplisia and asiaticocide bioactive are at 5 months of age. The exact leave for the diagnose of nutrient status in determining NPK fertilizer for asiatic pennywort is the firts (1st) leaf of 5 months for NPK analyses. The vegetative growth charactheristic that may be analysed, which is used as asiaticocide production type on the application of NPK fertilizer, are total amount of leaf, leaf’s length, leaf’s width, total amount of primary vine, and total amount of section. The best regression model between the NPK nutrient concentrations of leave samples and the relative results of asiatic pennyworth plant (dry weight of simplicia and asiaticocide weight) are quadratic. The critical level of NPK nutrients of asiatic pennywort leaves for dry weight production of simplicia are 2.97 % N , 0.23 % P, and 3.98 % K. The critical level of asiaticocide production are at 2.98 % N, 0.23 % P and 3.85 % K. Based on quadratic regression model, the NPK fertilizer dosages for the maximum production of dry weight simplicia are 2.57 g N/plant, 0.72 g P/plant and 2.69 g K/plant. The NPK concentrations of leaves samples are 4.33 N%, 0.32 P%, and 4.96 K%. The concentrations of NPK fertilizer of sample leaves are 3.58 % N, 0.39 % P and 4.84 % K. The system for harvesting frequency of ratoon of asiatic pennywort, applied every 5 months (R3) produce the highest fresh weight (28.88 t/ha), dry weight (18 t/ha) and asiaticocide weight (25.8 kg/ha) compared with the other harvests system. Best fertilizing recommendation based on quadratic regression pattern of calibration test results from N< P, and K, the standards achieved for N, P, and K leaf’s nutrient status were 3.58% N, 0.39% P, and 4.84% K. While the maximum dosage of multinutrient fertilizer being recommended for asiatic pennywort is (2.04 g N + 0.42 g P + 2.93 g K)/plant/season with ratoon harvest system interval of 5-month, it is hoped the production of asiatic pennywort reaches 15-18.24 ton of dry weight/ha which contained asiaticocide bioactive as much as 25.80-28.872 kg asiaticocide/ha.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectratoon systemen
dc.subjectfertilizer recommendationen
dc.titleDiagnosis status hara dan senyawa bioaktif asiatikosida menggunakan analisis jaringan tanaman untuk menyusun rekomendasi pemupukan serta sistem panen pegagan (Centella asiatica)id
dc.titleNutrient and asiaticocide biosynthesis diagnoses using plant tissues analyses to compose fertilizer recommendation and harvest system on asiatic pennywort (Centela asiatica).en

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