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dc.contributor.authorHidayat, Aceng
dc.description.abstractMudflow eruption of PT Lapindo Brantas, Sidoarjo, East Java, has created many economic losses for the government, public and private. Losses can be seen from the economic, environmental and human side. This paper, prepared based on research, tries to estimate the economic losses caused by the mudflow eruption. The research used descriptive analysis and economic valuation methods. Results from this research showed that mudflow eruptions have damaged public facilities, housing, environment and social structure. Estimates for the total loss based on natural resources amounts to /DR 768,887,089,001, and man-made resources amounts to /DR 4,022,071,056, 737. Economic growth in Sidoarjo has decreased since 2006, especially in the 3 districts closed to the mudflow centers. In addition, the mudflow also affects other sectors, namely agriculture, manufactures, mining and quarrying. Keywords: mudfJow, economic losses, economic valuation method, descriptive analysiS, economic growthen
dc.description.sponsorshipDanida Environmental Sector Program 2en
dc.publisherKementerian Lingkungan Hidup
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 14, No. 2;
dc.subjectAnalisis Ekonomi, semburan lumpur Sidoarjoen
dc.titleAnalisis Ekonomi Dampak Semburan Lumpur Panas di Sidoarjoen
dc.title.alternativeAnalisis Ekonomi Dampak Semburan Lumpur Panas di Sidoarjoen

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