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The effect of tapioca starch modified with green tea and red guava leaf polyphenols on normal and diabetic rats

dc.contributor.advisorMuchtadi, Deddy
dc.contributor.advisorPalupi, Nurheni Sri
dc.contributor.advisorAgungpriyono, Dewi Ratih
dc.contributor.authorJulianti, Elisa Diana
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research was to develop low digestibility starch made from tapioca (Manihot utilisima) modified with polyphenol extracts of green tea and guava leaves which are useful for reducing the risk of diabetes mellitus. Ration containing of tapioca starch modified with 4% green tea and 4% guava leaf extracts were fed to streptozotocin induced diabetic Sprague dawley rats. After 35 days of experiment, the blood glucose level, blood lipid profile, liver antioxidant activity and pancreatic Langerhans islets were assayed. The result showed that the tapioca starch modified with 4% green tea and 4% guava leaf extract diets could lower blood sugar levels in diabetic rats and increase the population of beta cells of pancreatic islets. The rations did not influence the serum lipid profile and liver antioxidant activity of the rats.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectModified tapioca starchen
dc.subjectgreen teaen
dc.subjectguava leafen
dc.subjectdiabetic ratsen
dc.subjectantioxidant statusen
dc.subjectblood lipiden
dc.titlePengaruh pemberian pati tapioka termodifikasi polifenol teh hijau dan daun jambu biji merah pada tikus normal dan diabetesid
dc.titleThe effect of tapioca starch modified with green tea and red guava leaf polyphenols on normal and diabetic ratsen

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