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Efficiency of fertilizer with enriched straw compost under system of rice intensification (SRI)rice cultivation in tidal areas of South Kalimantan.

dc.contributor.advisorAnas, Iswandi
dc.contributor.advisorSutandi, Atang
dc.contributor.advisorGunarto, Lukman
dc.contributor.authorRazie, Fakhrur
dc.description.abstractSystem of Rice Intensification (SRI) is a rice cultivation by which can be done in tidal rice fields. The application of this method must be supported by efforts to address the major issues in tidal land, mainly low soil fertility status and high solubility of the elements namely Fe, Al and Mn whichcaused toxic to plants. Composted rice straw is an alternative ameliorantcan be used to resolve the tidal land problems, howevercomposting process naturally takes 2-3 months. Aplication of microbial cellulolytic making shorten decomposition by rice straws become possible. Free living N2 fixing bacterium such as Azotobacter would able to increase N-available to the plant turn higher N uptake of the plant.The main objective of this study was to isolate the cellulolytic microbial from tidal rice fields that could accelerate straw decomposition and study the effect of enriched compost on nutrient uptake efficiency of N, P and K and rice yield,and study the potential toxicity of Fe, Al and Mn under SRI compared to conventional rice cultivationson in a tidal rice field of South Kalimantan.This study is consisted of two experiments. It was collected 100 samples natural rice straw compost from 16 sites in the tidal rice fields in South Kalimantan from first experiment. 143 cellulolytic isolates have been isolated from the samples. Collectred isolates were then tested ability to excrete cellulase, resistance to soil pH changes and acceleration to the straw decomposition.A completely randomized block design with two factors was used in the field trial. The main plot were SRI and convensional rice cultivations, and as subplots were eight fertilizerstreatments that were a combination between Azotobacter enriched compost with inorganic fertilizersdosages. The results showed that four isolates of microbial cellulolytic namely bacteria GA22 and ST22, and fungi SN123 and C52 were found as a superior strains to excrete cellulaseenzyme, resistance to changes in soil pH and could accelerate composting processes. Although all cellulolytic isolates collected from acid soil,most of them had ability to grow better in neutral pH.The enriched compost could reduce the use of fertilizer N, P and K as much as 25% fertilizer of recommended dosage.The enriched compost with dosage 75% of N, P and K fertilizer could increase N, P and K uptake efficiencies. SRI could be applied in type B of tidal rice fields during dry season,and implementation of SRI was able reduce the potential of Fe toxicity. Ultimately,Ciherang variety of rice yielded 4.34 tons/ha if cultivated under SRI, whereas under the conventional rice cultivation was 3.56 tons/haen
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectTidal rice fieldsen
dc.subjectSystem of Rice Intensificationen
dc.subjectcellulolytic microbesen
dc.titleEfisiensi pemupukan dengan penambahan kompos jerami pada budidaya padi System of Rice Intensification (SRI) di Daerah Pasang Surut Kalimantan Selatanid
dc.titleEfficiency of fertilizer with enriched straw compost under system of rice intensification (SRI)rice cultivation in tidal areas of South Kalimantan.en

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