Penentuan Sebaran Akuifer Dengan Metode Tahanan Jenis (Resistivity Method) Di Kota Tangerang Selatan, Provinsi Banten
Water is a basic requirement for humans being. The population growth can result a higher water demand. Surface water quality is declining due to human activities that make the usage of groundwater increased. The excessive exploration of groundwater can result soil subsidence, it is necessary to study the characteristics of groundwater. This study aimed to identify the lithology of soil, the position and thickness of aquifer, and to analyze aquifer distribution at the research area. The resistivity method was used to to identivity the lithology of soil. Analysis results showed that the depth of unconfined aquifer at the research area was 3,00-44,73 m below soil surface with a thickness of 2-12 m. Litology of soil was a clay and tufaan sand. The depth of confined aquifer was 80-130 m below soil surface with a thickness of more than 75 m. Groundwater flow patterns at the research location headed toward the north.