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Kapasitas Asimilasi Beban Pencemar Limbah Cair Tahu-Tempe dan Pengaruhnya pada Makroavertebrata Benthik di Sungai Ancar, Nusa Tenggara Barat

dc.contributor.advisorAdiwilaga, Enan Mulyana
dc.contributor.advisorWardiatno, Yusli
dc.contributor.authorDiniarti, Nanda
dc.description.abstractInfluence entry of organic material exceeding waters assimilative capacity can be seen at physical, chemical and biological water quality. Assessment of the influence of assimilative capacity exceed can using macro invertebrates benthic. The aim of this study are : 1) to know existence, total loading and quality of tofutempe making waste; 2) to know assimilative capacity of Ancar river and 3) to know status contamination of Ancar river with macro invertebrates benthic approach. Station 2, 3 and 4 get waste input from making of tofu-tempe directly. Total maximal pollutant burden from waste equal: BOD (9,10.10-2 ton/day), COD ( 3,58.10-1 ton/day) and TSS (2,54.10-2 ton/day). Measurable waste quality as follows: pH (5-7), BOD (639-3744 mg/l), COD (2283-13893 mg/l) and temperature (30-50 O C). Ancar river status is over capacity, hence concentration of BOD enabling admission is equal to 153,12 mg/l/day. Based on SIGNAL 2, Ancar river is included in medium to weight polluted waters, that marked by decline family number and loss of types benthic in clean waters.en
dc.subjectassimilative capacityen
dc.subjecttofu-tempe liquid wasteen
dc.subjectmacroinvertebrates benthicen
dc.titleAssimilative Capacity of Tofu-Tempe Industri Liquid Waste Load and it’s Effects on Macroinvertebrates Benthic in Ancar River, NTB.en
dc.titleKapasitas Asimilasi Beban Pencemar Limbah Cair Tahu-Tempe dan Pengaruhnya pada Makroavertebrata Benthik di Sungai Ancar, Nusa Tenggara Barat

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