Browsing Nutritional Sciencies and Feed Technology by Title
Now showing items 40-59 of 221
Farmers First : the Socio-Economic Consideration of Organic Agriculture
(2004)Borrowing Chambers' term, the central idea posed by this paper is that farmers should be the first consideration in any agriculture system. The conventional farming (green revolution and industrial agricultural) system has ... -
Feed additive of betel leaves meal (Piper betle L.) use on ruminants as one of methane mitigation efforts
(2016-07)Methane (CH4) is one class of greenhouse gases that could lead to global warming when the concentration of greenhouse gases in excess. Ruminant is one of the biggest methane contributors in agriculture sector. The aim ... -
Feeding Program of Crossbreed Kedu Chicken andArab Chicken Based on Different Level of Energy and Proteinin The Diet
(2009)The objective of this experiment was to study the effect of feeding prognun of crossbreed kedu chicken and arab chicken base on different level of energy and protein in the diet Sixty day old chicken (DOC) were used in ... -
Feeding Wafer For Sheep
(2015-09)Thin-tailed sheep is one of local sheep that can support the needs of people’s animal protein. Wafer completefeed of waste vegetable market is one of the feed results of technology that have nutritional value betterthan ... -
Fermentabilitas dan Kecernaan in Vitro Ransum Limbah Agroindustri yang Disuplementasi Kromium Anorganik dan Organik
(2006)Chromium is a trace element which has been considered essential for humans and animals since 1959. However, the effect of chromium on activity of rumen microorganisms has not been yet investigated. This experiment was ... -
Fermentabilitas Pakan Berserat Dalam Rumen In Vitro yang Diberi Ekstrak Daun Murbei
(2009-07)This experiment was aimed at investigating the capability of crude extract of mulberry leaves that contain l-deoxynojirimycin in increasing fermentability of fibrous feed in ruminal systems. This experiment was conducted ... -
Hasil ikutan pertanian sebagai pakan ruminansia di Jawa Tengah
(2007)The major problem faced by farmers in Central Java is the fluctuation of feed availability throughout the year, with feed surplus in the rainy season and less in the dry season. The objective of this study was to evaluate ... -
Hewan Model Satwa Primata Volume I "Macaca Fascicularis Kajian Populasi, Tingkah Laku, Status Nutrien, dan Nutrisi untuk Model Penyakit
(2016-03)Abstrack : Bidang ilmu hewan laboratorium merupakan suatu bidang ilmu yang memerlukan keahlian interdisiplin dan pengetahuan yang komprehensif. Semakin meningkatnya kebutuhan hewan laboratorium yang berkualitas untuk ... -
Hubungan Konsumsi Energi dan Protein dengan Bobot Metabolik dan Pertumbuhan pada Sapi Perah
(1988)A record of feeding trials in 160 dairy cattle (12 males, 37 females) was used to study correlation bet en energy (TIN 3 or crude protein (CF) intakes and metabolic weight (W ) and weight gain (G), The animals had an average ... -
Hubungan Pola Makanan Ternak dan Metoda Produksi Ranch Sapi Potong
(1987)The existence of a artain beef cattle production W.tern is fntluenmd by tbe physical as well as wcioeconomic factors. One of the strong dctelaioants is the feed pattamof the specific area. which includes both feed potential ... -
Identifikasi Gen Babi Melalui Runutan Klon eDNA Ovari
(2002)Isolasi dan karakterisasi gen merupakan salah satu upaya yang diharapkan bermanfaat dalam menentukan dan mempelajari gen-gen yang mengontrol sifat-sifat ekonomis maupun penyakit genetik. Analisis DNA dilakukan tidak hanya ... -
Influence of ShrimpWaste, Katuk Leaf (Sauropus androgynus L.Merr.), Bromelain and Garlic Powder addition on Performance and Egg Qualityof Quail
(2015)This experiment aimed to study effect of addition of shrimp waste, katuk leaf, garlic powder, and bromelain on performance, egg weight quality, and physical composition of the egg. This experiment used 160 quail pullet ... -
Inkorporasi Kromium pada khamir dan kapang dengan Substrat Dasat Singkong yang Diberi Kromium Anorganik
(2006)Organic-chromium (Cr) has higher availability for animals than inorganic-Cr sources. One of organic-Cr sources known is fungi contained high Cr. This organic-Cr was incorporated to fungi protein. Information about the best ... -
Integrasi tanaman singkong dan ternak unggas
(2011)Pengembangan petemakan unggas lokal secara umum masih sangat memprihatinkan. Produksi daging dan telur sebagai hasil utama petemakan unggas lokal di Indonesia hampir seluruhnya diperoleh dari petemakan rakyat. Usaha petemakan ... -
Isolasi dan sifat fisik kimia polisakarida mengandung mannan dari bungkil inti sawit dan dinding sel penicillum spp.
(2005)Ikatan mannan merupakan ikatan yang tidak dapat dicerna tetapi bermanfaat dalam mengikat bakteri patogen dan menghambat perbanyakan bakteri yang merugikan dalam saluran pencernaan unggas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk ... -
Isolasi Salmonella Sp