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Pengembangan Perikanan Tangkap Berbasis Komoditas Unggulan di Kabupaten Halmahera Utara

dc.contributor.advisorIskandar, Budhi H.
dc.contributor.advisorBaskoro, Mulyono S.
dc.description.abstractNorth Halmahera Regency with its sea area of 19536.02 km2 (78%) has the potential of fish resources (standing stock) accounting for 664,382.48 tons with sustainable potential fish production (the Maximum Sustainable Yield / MSY) of 347,191 tons per year, i.e., 211,590 tons of pelagic fish and 135,005 tons of demersal per year. The problem in the development of capture fish in North Halmahera is that its excellent commodities are as yet unknown and the policies in the fishery production are not based on excellent commodities. This research is to examine the superior commodities of fishery production, and the policies in capture fishing production in order to increase the income of fishermen. To determine the excellent commodities, the following analyses were made: (1) production continuity, average production, prices, processing and marketing, (2) Method of Location Quotient (LQ) and (3) SWOT Analysis. The results showed that of 38 species of fish that were analyzed, 31 species were of a continuous type and 7 species of non-continuous type. The average fish production is below the average production of all types of fish except for cakalang fish of 11,131.472 tons and flying fish of 4405.296 tons per year. The fish price is generally below average price of all types, except for the following types of fish: beronang, kerapu, lencam, kakap, and kurisi, the prices of which are higher than the average price. The fish products marketed in the local market / overseas are for example kerapu, cakalang and tuna. Fish products are always marketed in fresh form. Only julung-julung fish is marketed after it is processed by fumigation. Three kinds of fish are also exported they are kerapu, cakalang and tuna. The results of LQ calculation show that there are 12 species of fish with a value of LQ>1, namely: kuweh fish, kerapu, kerong-kerong, teri, tembang, julungjulung, tongkol, lemadang, cakalang, mackerel tuna and cucut. Based on the scoring analysis of commodities in terms of production continuity, production, pricing, processing, and marketing associated with the value of LQ, six kinds of fish as excellent commodities in North Halmahera Regency are cakalang, kerapu, anchovies, julung-julung, tuna, and tongkol. Flying fish, although its production is quite high and can be improved, has the value of LQ <1, so it can not be recommended as a superior fish species. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis, there are six government policies of North Halmahera regency related to the development of capture fisheries, increasing fishing fleet is a top priority followed by the development in the processing of captured fish. Both policies are closely related to labor absorption and economic improvement.en
dc.subjectfish speciesen
dc.titleExcellent Commodity-Based Development of Capture Fishery in North Halmaheraen
dc.titlePengembangan Perikanan Tangkap Berbasis Komoditas Unggulan di Kabupaten Halmahera Utara

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