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Kajian Keberlanjutan Pengelolaan Daerah Perlindungan Laut Berbasis Masyarakat Pulau Sebesi Kabupaten lampung selatan.

dc.contributor.advisorSetyobudiandi, Isdradjad
dc.contributor.advisorYulianto, Gatot
dc.contributor.authorKarlina, Ita
dc.description.abstractSebesi Island is an area selected as a model for the development of communitybased MPAs. DPL model development was undertaken to provide examples of handling damage to coral reefs that are intended to: 1) protecting coral reefs, 2) increased enhancement community participation in management of coral reefs, 3) management of coral reefs in accordance with ecological benefits. Research Assessment sustainability of Community-based Marine Protected Areas Management Community Based in Sebesi Island South Lampung regency aims to 1) analyze the sustainability of the MPAs management of MPAs and 2) provide a strategy of sustainable management of MPAs and community-based. Primary data collection is done through sampling, direct observation, of field conditions, the spread of questionnaires, interviews open interviews (open-ended) and in-depth interviews at the sites. Secondary data collected by tracing the various libraries and related institutions. Sustainability management of MPAs using analytical Flag modelling. These results are generally, quite sustainable DPL Sebesi Island quite sustainable, Flag modelling analysis showed that indicates DPL unsustainability attribute are most of the DPL 2 and DPL 3. The Alternative strategy is the integrated management system so that all the limitations of society can be overcome.en
dc.description.abstractTerumbu karang merupakan ekosistem khas perairan tropik Yang dapat memberikan berbagai manfaat langsung maupun tidak langsung. Cesar (2000) menyebutkan bahwa ekosistem terumbu karang banyak menyumbangkan berbagai biota laut seperti ikan karang, mollusca, crustacean bagi kehidupan masyarakat yang tinggal di kawasan pesisir. Sementara Supriharyono (2000) menyatakan bahwa tingginya produktivitas primer di perairan terumbu karang memungkinkan ekosistem ini dijadikan tempat pemijahan, pengasuhan dan pencarian makan bagi banyak biota laut.IND
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectMarine Protected Areasen
dc.subjectFlag Modellingen
dc.titleSustainability Assessment-Based Management of Marine Protected Areas Community Sebesi Island South Lampung Selatan.en
dc.titleKajian Keberlanjutan Pengelolaan Daerah Perlindungan Laut Berbasis Masyarakat Pulau Sebesi Kabupaten lampung selatan.IND

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