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Karakteristik Lipid Biomarker pada Sedimen Estuari : Studi Kasus Estuari Muara Angke - Teluk Jakarta, Cimandiri - Teluk Pelabuhan Ratu dan Cilintang - Ujung Kulon.

dc.contributor.advisorPrartono, Tri
dc.contributor.advisorSanusi, Harpasis S.
dc.contributor.authorNugraha, Mohammad Agung
dc.description.abstractLipids of biological markers (biomarkers) as a specific organic compounds has been used to evaluate the contribution of organic carbon from different sources or trace the biological origin of molecules. The high input related to the terrestrial and anthropogenic from the Muara Angke Estuary compared with Cimandiri and Cilintang, has to predicted to have the different characteristics of lipid biomarkers. The study of lipid biomarkers are still rare in Indonesia. The research was to assess the contribution of sedimentary organic of origin based on the characteristics of lipid biomarkers in the Muara Angke Estuary-Jakarta Bay, Cimandiri-Pelabuhan Ratu Bay and Cilintang-Ujung Kulon. Single sediment sample are collected at the 10 cm sediment, depth of those estuary. Those samples were extracted by soxhlet apparatus and fractioned prior to gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. Characteristics of nalkanes found in estuarine surface sediments Muara Angke, Cimandiri and Cilintang ranged between nC15-nC33, nC13-nC36 and nC17-nC33. Sterol biomarker was detected on the surface estuarine sediments Muara Angke, Cimandiri and Cilintang characterized by sterol C27, C28 and C29 both saturated (stanols) and unsaturated (stenols). Biomarkers of saturated fatty acid or n-alkanoic acid were detected in estuarine surface sediments Muara Angke, Cimandiri and Cilintang ranging carbon chain nC10-nC32, nC10-nC32 and nC10-nC30. Carbon numbers in the three biomarkers indicated the input of organic material naturally low levels of organisms (aquatic) that is algae (pelagic and benthic), bacteria and zooplankton and higher plants. All of those sediment showed different characteristics of biomarker (aliphatic hydrocarbons, sterol, fatty acid). This also indicated the different of contribution of organic material input that influenced by the activities of the upland and surrounding the estuary.en
dc.description.abstractLipid biological marker (biomarker) sebagai senyawa organik spesifik dapat digunakan untuk menduga kontribusi karbon organik dari sumber yang berbeda atau menelusuri secara molekul asal dari biologi tertentu, menduga kesehatan ekosistem dan tingkat masukan dari akuatik, terestrial dan antropogenik. Tingginya aktivitas terkait masukan terestrial dan antropogenik pada Estuari Muara Angke dibandingkan dengan Estuari Cimandiri dan Cilintang, diduga menghasilkan karakteristik biomarker yang berbeda. Studi mengenai lipid biomarker masih jarang dilakukan di Indonesia. Melihat kondisi tersebut perlu dilakukan studi mengenai lipid biomarker dalam sedimen. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan tujuan mengkaji kontribusi asal bahan organik dalam sedimen berdasarkan karakteristik lipid biomarker di Estuari Muara Angke-Teluk Jakarta, Cimandiri-Teluk Pelabuhan Ratu dan Cilintang-Ujung Kulon.IND
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectlipids biomarkersen
dc.subjectestuary sedimenten
dc.titleCharacteristics of Lipids Biomarkers in The Estuary Sediments : A Case Study of Muara Angke Estuary–Jakarta Bay, Cimandiri–Pelabuhan Ratu Bay and Cilintang-Ujung Kulon.en
dc.titleKarakteristik Lipid Biomarker pada Sedimen Estuari : Studi Kasus Estuari Muara Angke - Teluk Jakarta, Cimandiri - Teluk Pelabuhan Ratu dan Cilintang - Ujung Kulon.IND

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