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Pemanfaatan Siput Laut Gonggong (Strombus canarium) Asal Pulau Bintan Kepulauan Riau Menjadi Seasoning Alami.

dc.contributor.advisorSantoso, Joko
dc.contributor.authorViruly, Lily
dc.description.abstractGonggong is one of the sea snails, endemic species living on coastal waters of Bintan Island and surrounding islands of the Province of Riau- Archipelago. Traditionally, it is used to boost the appetite and vitality. The aim of the study is to utilize gonggong as natural seasoning through fermentation process (biological/semi-biological) to hydrolyze protein from the snail. It was made by using gonggong and pineapple concentrate with the ratio 1:4 (w/v), 2% (w/v) of sugar and 15% (w/v) of salt. Then, the products were fermented in an airproofed container at 25 oC for 10 days. The fermentation proceses were stopped using sterilization (121 oC, 15 min) and pasteurization (70 oC, 30 min). The final product of seasoning was stored for 14 days. At each week, pH, total lactic acid, TPC and hedonic test of the products seasoning were analyzed. The best product of the seasoning was compared to commercial product of oyster sauce (“Saori”) using description, paired comparison and chemistry tests. Results of the research indicated that fresh gonggong contains 19,77% of protein and 4,1 mg/g of free amino acid glutamate. It is more preferred than “Saori” which had been sample pasteurized and stored for 7 days at 25 oC. Levels of pH, total lactic acid, TPC, and free amino acid content of this seasoning were 4,75, 0,53%, 1,48 x 103 cfu/g, and 8,0 mg/g, respectively. It had 7 value of based on hedonic test, furthermore description and paired comparison tests was better than commercial original seasoning (“Saori”). The results suggest that it can be used as an alternative seasoning to replace the synthetic seasoning (MSG).en
dc.description.abstractGonggong (Strombus canarium) termasuk sejenis siput laut, biota endemik yang banyak hidup di pantai Pulau Bintan dan sekitarnya, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Pengalaman empiris masyarakat Kepulauan Riau membuktikan bahwa gonggong mengandung zat-zat yang berkhasiat untuk penambah nafsu makan dan meningkatkan vitalitas, tetapi tidak semua orang dapat mengkonsumsi gonggong rebus dalam bentuk aslinya, sehingga perlu dicarikan alternatif pengolahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan siput laut gonggong menjadi seasoning alami dari biota laut melalui proses fermentasi (biologis/semibiologis) untuk menghidrolisis protein gonggong, sehingga menghasilkan senyawa yang dapat membangkitkan cita rasa.IND
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectsea snailen
dc.subjectfree amino aciden
dc.titleThe utilization of sea snail gonggong (Strombus canarium) from Bintan Island of Riau-Archipelago as natural seasoning.en
dc.titlePemanfaatan Siput Laut Gonggong (Strombus canarium) Asal Pulau Bintan Kepulauan Riau Menjadi Seasoning Alami.IND

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