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Strategi Pengelolaan Taman Nasional Kelimutu Melalui Pendekatan Co-management.

dc.contributor.advisorBasuni, Sambas
dc.contributor.advisorSoekmadi, Rinekso
dc.contributor.authorNistyantara, Lukita Awang
dc.description.abstractThe management of Kelimutu National Park (KNP), that applies preservationist paradigm and centralized policy, had caused a conflict of interest among stakeholders. Therefore, the management strategies of the park by comanagement approach are needed to conserve the park and became a conflict resolution. The aims of this research are to analyze the application of the principle of co-management at the time, to identify relevant stakeholders, and to determine the management strategies of the park through co-management approach. The results showed that application of the principle of co-management in the Wologai Tengah village in the category of high/ good, while in the Saga village in the category of middle. The results also showed that there were 15 (fifteen) stakeholders, who were affected by or can affect by the decisions and the actions of the management of the park. Based on the expert’s assessment, the core of the stakeholders are both of the park management and the local community. They can influence the succesfull management of the park. The management strategies of the park include: a) to integrate the management plans of KNP among stakeholders through coordination mechanisms; b) to synchronize the implementation of the management plans; c) to improve the good communication, partnerships and the community participation; and d) to do a continuous meeting among both of the park management and the local community in order to find the solutions.en
dc.description.abstractPengelolaan TNKL (Taman Nasional Kelimutu) masih dikelola dengan berpegang pada paradigma preservationist serta kebijakan yang sentralistik, sehingga seringkali keputusan yang diambil oleh pengelola taman nasional tidak sejalan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat setempat. Hal tersebut memicu munculnya konflik kepentingan antar stakeholders, antara lain kebutuhan lahan untuk berkebun, klaim kepemilikan atas sebagian lahan dalam kawasan, serta pengambilan kayu untuk pembangunan rumah adat. Konflik tersebut juga memungkinkan terjadinya degradasi sumberdaya alam dalam kawasan TNKL. Oleh karena itu, strategi pengelolaan melalui pendekatan co-management diperlukan dalam rangka melindungi TNKL dan menjaga kelestariannya sekaligus berusaha menyelesaikan dan mengakhiri konflik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan prinsip co-management dalam pengelolaan TNKL pada saat ini; mengidentifikasi serta menganalisis kepentingan dan aspirasi stakeholders; mengklasifikasi stakeholders terkait pengelolaan TNKL; dan menentukan strategi pengelolaan TNKL melalui pendekatan co-management.IND
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectnational parken
dc.titleThe Management Strategies of Kelimutu National Park Through Co-management Approach.en
dc.titleStrategi Pengelolaan Taman Nasional Kelimutu Melalui Pendekatan Co-management.IND

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