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Pengaruh Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Terhadap Kualitas Air Sumur, Kesehatan dan Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat di Sekitar TPA Galuga

dc.contributor.advisorAnwar, Syaiful
dc.contributor.authorDesmawati, Butet
dc.description.abstractMost of Bogor Municipality garbae manajementbis in the fotm of open dumping site (TPA) in Galuga village. The facts of management in the field is indicating that the present of this TPA will polutte the well water and the healt of the surrounding community although migh also contribute of additions of income of this community. The pourposes of research where to identify the effects of Galuga TPA on the well water quality, to analyze the the relationship between TPA Galuga with society economical aspects. The results showed that the well water samples has been polluted by the present of Galuga TPA is indicated by some parameter of water quality. Including BOD and COD in well watr samples. E. coli and nitrite in some well water samples. Some diseases might be attributed to the present of Galuga TPA, such as fever, cough and influenza that suffered by trash collector (pemulung) about 38.8%, trash gatherer (pengepul) about 30.8%, trader about 20.3%, respiration disorder suffered by trash gatherer (pengepul) about 50.7%, trash collector (pemulung) about 27.8%, and trader about 3.1%. TPA benefit, is as a job fields provider for (pengepul and pemulung) about 99%, while the management of TPA is considered by collector (61%).as not be enough. TPA monthy income of for was be collector Rp 20.000-50.000 and Rp 100.000 for trader.en
dc.description.abstractSecara administrasi Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Galuga berada di Desa Galuga berbatasan langsung dengan Desa Cijujung disebelah Utara, Desa Dukuh di sebelah Timur dan Desa Cemplang di sebelah selatan dan berbatasan dengan Leuwiliang Kecamatan Cibungbulang disebelah Barat, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat. Lokasi TPA tersebut sekitar 3 km dari Ibu kota kecamatan atau 25 km dari pusat Kota Bogor, berada pada ketinggian 300 meter dari permukaan laut dengan luas area13,6 hektar.Luas wilayah penelitian sekitar 5 km2 meliputi perkampungan yang secara Geografis terletak pada 1060 38’15’’BT- 106039’07’’BT sampai 060 33’20’’LS- 060 34’20’’LS.IND
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectwater qualityen
dc.subjectTPA managementen
dc.subjecteffects of TPAen
dc.subjectTPA benefit open dumping siteen
dc.subjectsociely healthen
dc.subjectsocial economic aspectsen
dc.subjecttrash collectoren
dc.titleEffects of Galuga Open Dumping Site (TPA) On Ground Water Quality, Society Health and Social Economic Aspects.en
dc.titlePengaruh Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Terhadap Kualitas Air Sumur, Kesehatan dan Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat di Sekitar TPA GalugaIND

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