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Adsorptivity of kaolin-tapioca solid waste mixture of adsorbent modified with Heksadesiltrimetilamonium bromida surfactant and tween 80 toward cibacron red

dc.contributor.advisorSutriah, Komar
dc.contributor.advisorKhotib, Mohammad
dc.contributor.authorSuraya, Sufi Fitriana
dc.description.abstractAdsoprtion is a waste handling methods that is widely used. One factor that determined the capacity and selectivity of adsorbent adsorptiviy is the surface charge. In this study, the surface of kaolin-tapioca solid waste adsorbent was modified with the addition of surfactants. The surfactants used were cationic surfactant (HDTMA-Br) and nonionic surfantant (Tween 80). Kaolin-tapioca solid waste mixture (75:25) was immersed with surfactans (Tween 80 and HDTMMA-Br) at level critical micelle concentrations (CMC) of 0, 50, 100, 300, 600%. Adsorbent mixtures were carried out with and without rewashing treament. HDTMA-Br solution was proved in increasing the adsorption capacity of adsorbent, while the adsoprtion capacity of adsorbent immersed in Tween 80 significantly decreased. The adsoprtion isotherm model of kaolin-tapioca solid waste adsorbent modified with surfactant toward cibacron red with immersion 600% CMC HDTMA-Br without rewashing followed the Langmuir isotherm equation.en
dc.description.abstractMetode adsorpsi merupakan metode penanggulangan limbah yang banyak digunakan. Salah satu faktor yang menentukan kapasitas dan selektivitas adsorpsi suatu adsorben adalah muatan permukaan. Dalam penelitian ini, muatan permukaan adsorben kaolin-limbah padat tapioka dimodifikasi dengan penambahan surfaktan. Surfaktan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah surfaktan kationik (HDTMA-Br) dan nonionik (Tween 80). Adsorben campuran kaolin-limbah padat tapioka (75:25) direndam dengan surfaktan pada tingkat konsentrasi misel kritis (KMK) 0, 50, 100, 300, dan 600%. Adsorben campuran dilakukan perlakuan tanpa dan dengan pencucian ulang. Larutan HDTMA-Br yang digunakan terbukti nyata dapat menaikkan kapasitas penjerapan adsorben, sedangkan adsorben dengan perendaman Tween 80 mengalami penurunan terhadap kapasitas adsorpsi adsorben. Model isoterm adsorpsi adsorben limbahpadat tapioka termodifikasi surfaktan terhadap cibacron red dengan perendaman 600% KMK HDTMA-Br tanpa pencucian ulang mengikuti persamaan isoterm Langmuir.
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleAdsorptivitas campuran kaolin-limbah padat tapioka termodifikasi surfaktan Heksadesiltrimetilamonium Bromida dan tween 80 terhadap cibacron reden
dc.titleAdsorptivity of kaolin-tapioca solid waste mixture of adsorbent modified with Heksadesiltrimetilamonium bromida surfactant and tween 80 toward cibacron red

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