Now showing items 2058-2060 of 2060

    • Zaenal Abidin 

      Rizal, Hasanuddin | Abidin, Zaenal | Trivadila (2019)
      Zeolit adalah mineral aluminosilika berpori mikro sehingga memiliki permukaan yang luas. Permukaannya yang luas menyebabkan zeolit umum digunakan sebagai adsorben. Zeolit X termasuk dalam struktur Faujasit dan biasa mengikat ...
    • Zeolit Alam Teraktivasi Basa untuk Pemurnian Bioetanol 

      Zuhaidha, Noor | Charlena | Sugiarti,Sri (2012)
      Utilization of bioethanol in mixing with fossil fuel greatly depends on its purity. To get high purity, adsorptive separation method with zeolite as adsorbent had been developed. Both natural and synthetic zeolite could ...
    • α-Glucosidase inhibitory effect of flavonoid extracts from crown of god fruit. 

      Hartika, Rolif (2009)
      Crown of God fruit (Phaleria macrocarpa) empirically can treat diabetes mellitus, a disease with high concentration of blood glucose. The purpose of this study is to obtain flavonoid compound from the fruit that can reduce ...