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ABSTRACT ANGGIANING TYAS RAHAYU. Formulation of Biological Product Based on Endophytic Actinomycetes as Growth Promotor of Rice Plant

dc.contributor.advisorLestari, Yulin
dc.contributor.advisorHastuti,Ratih Dewi
dc.contributor.authorRahayu, Anggianing Tyas
dc.description.abstractBiological product contains living microorganisms which can promote growth by increasing the supply or availability of primary nutrients to the host plant. Endophytic actinomycetes lives inside plant tissue without giving harmful effect to its host. This research aimed to formulate biological product based on endophytic actinomycetes, assay its viability at different storage conditions and its effectiveness as growth promotor of rice plant. Biological products were successfully formulated in the form of tablet and alginate beads contained consortium of endophytic actinomycetes isolates PS4-16, AB131-2, and AB131-1. Viability assay results of endophytic actinomycetes for 12 weeks of storage showed that tablet product which stored at 4°C temperature had better viability than tablet product stored at room temperature. Alginate beads product showed stable in bacterial viability during storage, both at 4°C and room temperature. In planta assessment was conducted in a greenhouse using IR-64 rice variety with completely randomized design, 3 replications and 7 treatments, i.e. P0 (without fertilization as negative control); Pk (1 NPK dosage as positive control); P1 (1 NPK dosage with biological product); P2 (0.75 NPK dosage with biological product); P3 (0.5 NPK dosage with biological product); P4 (0.25 NPK dosage with biological product); and P5 (biological product). The P4 was considered as the most potential technology application based on its capability to increase the average result of shoot dry weight (18.41 gram), root dry weight (11.47 gram) and total plant dry weight (29.88 gram) more than the influence of the P0 and the Pk applications. The application of endophytic actinomycetes based product capable of increasing the growth of rice plant.en
dc.description.abstractProduk hayati mengandung mikrob hidup dan dapat memacu pertumbuhan tanaman dengan cara meningkatkan ketersediaan nutrisi pada tanaman. Aktinomiset endofit hidup di dalam jaringan tanaman tanpa membahayakan inangnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memformulasi produk hayati berbasis aktinomiset endofit dan menguji viabilitasnya pada kondisi penyimpanan berbeda, serta menguji efektivitasnya sebagai pemacu pertumbuhan tanaman padi. Produk hayati yang dihasilkan berupa tablet dan manik-manik alginat yang mengandung konsorsium isolat aktinomiset endofit PS4-16, AB131-2, dan AB131-1. Hasil uji viabilitas aktinomiset endofit pada produk hayati selama 12 minggu penyimpanan menunjukkan bahwa produk tablet yang disimpan pada suhu 4°C memiliki viabilitas bakteri yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan penyimpanan pada suhu ruang, sedangkan produk manik-manik alginat memiliki viabilitas bakteri yang stabil selama penyimpanan, baik pada suhu ruang maupun suhu 4°C. Pengujian kemampuan produk dilakukan di rumah kaca menggunakan padi varietas IR-64 dengan rancangan acak lengkap, 3 ulangan dan 7 perlakuan, yaitu P0 (tanpa pemupukan sebagai kontrol negatif); Pk (1 dosis NPK sebagai kontrol positif); P1 (1 dosis NPK dengan produk hayati); P2 (0.75 dosis NPK dengan produk hayati); P3 (0.5 dosis NPK dengan produk hayati); P4 (0.25 dosis NPK dengan produk hayati); dan P5 (produk hayati). Perlakuan P4 mampu meningkatkan hasil rata-rata bobot kering tajuk (18.41 gram), bobot kering akar (11.47 gram), serta bobot kering total tanaman (29.88 gram) melebihi aplikasi perlakuan P0 dan Pk. Produk hayati berbasis aktinomiset endofit mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman padi.
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectgrowth promotionen
dc.subjectendophytic actinomycetesen
dc.subjectbiological producten
dc.titleFormulasi Produk Hayati Berbasis Aktinomiset Endofit sebagai Pemacu Pertumbuhan Tanaman Padien
dc.titleABSTRACT ANGGIANING TYAS RAHAYU. Formulation of Biological Product Based on Endophytic Actinomycetes as Growth Promotor of Rice Plant

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