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Correlation between Coral Reef and Seagrass with Rabbit Fish (Siganus canaliculatus) Resources in Abang Island, Batam City

dc.contributor.authorIrham, Wan
dc.description.abstractlkan dingkis merupakan ikan yang hidup berasosiasi dengan terumbu karang dan padang lamun. Bagi masyarakat Pulau Abang, ikan dingkis merupakan ikan target dan jadi incaran terutama pada saat perayan Imlek karena harganya cukup tinggi khususnya yang mengandung telur. Eksploitasi yang berlebihan dan penggunaan alat tangkap yang tidak ramah lingkungan mengancam sumberdaya ikan dingkis dan habitatnya.en
dc.description.abstractRabbit fish (Siganus canaliculatus) is an associated fish that live with coral reefs and seagrass. The fish is fishing target for local people and drilled during Lunar Chines New Year Season because of high price particulary its containing eggs. Excessive exploitation of the resources and unfriendly environment threaten the existence of the abundance of the fish. Research objective is to analyze the condition of coral reefs, seagrass and Rabbit fish, where the study can be used as an input of the management of the fish resources. Data was collected in May and June 2009. Transect square method was used to describe the condition of the coral reefs and seagrass and analysis using Image J. The abundance of fish was determined with Under Water Visual Census. Furthermore, food habits was analyzed using the Preponderance Index. Clustering analysis was used by using the Bray Curtis Index and to see their relevance was done using Pearson correlation (r). The results obtained was: (I) The condition of coral cover was poor to moderate category between 21.83% - 64.49%, while for the algae varied between 2,77% - 57.62%, (2) The condition of seagrass cover varied between 1620"10 - 67.90%. Pearson correlation analysis (r). showed that Rabbit fish has a weak relationship but positive with r<0.5 on the seagrass or algae. Management alternatives are: (1) To increase public knowledge in the form of information about the coral reefs and seagrass in . the framework of Rabbit fish resources, (2) Seagrass rehabilitation, (3) catching prohibition at certain times, (4) cultivation activities, (5) involving stakeholders and (6) enhancing the supervision.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectCoral reefsen
dc.subjectSiganus canaliculatusen
dc.subjectManagement alternativeen
dc.titleKeterkaitan antara Terumbu Karang dan Lamun dengan Sumberdaya Ikan dingkis (Siganus canaliculatus) di Perairan Pulau Abang, Kota BatamIND
dc.titleCorrelation between Coral Reef and Seagrass with Rabbit Fish (Siganus canaliculatus) Resources in Abang Island, Batam Cityen-US aat atnah Terumbu Karang Ikan dingkis Siganus canaliculatus Perairan Pulau Abang Batam
dc.subject.keywordTerumbu Karang
dc.subject.keywordIkan dingkis
dc.subject.keywordSiganus canaliculatus
dc.subject.keywordPerairan Pulau Abang

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