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Strip tillage water movement in clay loam soil to fulfill plant water requirement

dc.contributor.advisorSapei, Asep
dc.contributor.advisorDjoefrie, Muhammad Hasjim Bintoro
dc.contributor.advisorSembiring, E. Namaken
dc.contributor.authorIntara, Yazid Ismi
dc.description.abstractDry land is one of the land resources having the possibility for the development of food crop agriculture especially on lands with light and medium technical constraints. The development of technology for the utilization of marginal land by turning it into productive land is still a big opportunity in agricultural development in Indonesia. Improvement of planting media by means of soil tillage method and appropriate plant irrigation technology is one of the efforts in solving the problem in clay loam land. The objective of this research was to develop water movement model in clay loam soil with minimum tillage and subsurface irrigation. Concept used in the model development was minimum tillage method with subsurface irrigation at the base of the tillage and irrigation method to fulfill crop water requirement. The concept was part of the dissertation research strengthened by scientific analyses as the basis for advanced research development. The analyses among others resulted in data of soil physical properties and making of interface for measurement together with a set of water movement testing apparatus. At the final stage this dissertation research was supported by analysis of water movement in a laboratory test and field validation on the performance of subsurface irrigation as well as test of cultivation technique on chili plant (Capsicum annuum L.) growth. The results showed that the movement pattern displayed on the contour indicated that the wetting process could reach a depth of -5 cm for the rooting zone of annual crop seedling. The result of the irrigation performance showed that effective wetting by using minimum strip tillage could only be developed by means of short irrigation path of less than 5 cm; so that it was suitable to be applied on limited land management or improvement in traditional form. The test result of cultivation technique on annual crop (Capsicum annuum L.) using minimum strip tillage with subsurface irrigation showed that the soil moisture for plant growth could be maintained where the plant was able to grow in accordance with the treatment used until the end of the research period. The developed model showed that the wetting pattern required time for distributing balanced moisture. This confirmed that the system developed in the form of research novelty was subsurface water movement to maintain the moisture at the strip tillage soil in order to give water availability for plant.en
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini merupakan pengembangan konsep alternatif teknik budidaya tanaman pada lahan kering dengan tanah bertekstur lempung liat berdebu. Konsep berupa metode olah tanah terbatas beririgasi bawah permukaan pada dasar olahannya serta cara pemberian air untuk kebutuhan air tanaman. Konsep yang dikembangkan dibagi menjadi tiga bagian utama, yaitu: (a) tanaman semusim dan media tanam; (b) parit atau strip; dan (c) sistem pengairan (irigasi) dan drainase. Konsep tersebut merupakan bagian dari penelitian disertasi ini yang dikuatkan dengan analisa-analisa ilmiah sebagai dasar pengembangan penelitian lanjutan. Analisa-analisa tersebut di antaranya pembangunan model pergerakan air pada suatu tanah liat yang diolah terbatas dengan irigasi bawah permukaan. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut dihasilkan informasi data-data analisa sifat fisik tanah serta pembuatan suatu alat ukur (interface) beserta rangkaian apparatus uji pergerakan air. Penelitian ini pada tahapan akhir dikuatkan dengan penelitian analisa pergerakan air dalam suatu pengujian di laboratorium serta validasi di lapangan terhadap kinerja irigasi bawah permukaan di lapangan dan pengujian teknik budidaya terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman uji. Penelitian utama ditujukan guna merealisasikan pendekatan novelti penelitian dengan konsep pengembangan teknik budidaya tanaman merupakan pengelolaan kelembaban tanah di zona perakaran. Hal tersebut dimaksudkan untuk mempertahankan kelembaban atau kadar air tanah agar tersedia pada saat dibutuhkan oleh tanaman. Hasil fitting by eyes terhadap grafik difusifitas dan kadar air didapatkan nilai-nilai parameter yang dibutuhkan dalam memenuhi sifat fisik tanah penelitian yang selanjutnya disimulasikan pada model pergerakan air horizontal pada strip olah tanah terbatas beririgasi bawah permukaan. Data yang dihasilkan tersebut diaplikasikan pada pembangunan konsep simulasi pergerakan air pada strip olah tanah terbatas beririgasi bawah permukaan menggunakan konsep untuk kuantifikasi jumlah air dalam tanah, yang terdiri dari 2 pendekatan yaitu volumetric water content, θ (volume air) dan besaran hisapan matriks (matrix suction (cm)) atau pressure head, h (-cm). Langkah selanjutnya mengkonversi data hasil simulasi ke bentuk kontur setelah diolah menggunakan software Surfer 8 menjadikan tampilan lebih mudah dipelajari pola pergerakan yang terjadi.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectplant water requirementen
dc.subjectirrigation performanceen
dc.subjectmoisture movement modelen
dc.subjectsubsurface irrigationen
dc.subjectminimum tillageen
dc.titlePergerakan air pada tanah liat yang diolah secara strip untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air tanamanid
dc.titleStrip tillage water movement in clay loam soil to fulfill plant water requirementen

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