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Characterization and utilization of lactic acid bacteria from goat milk with probiotic cheese characteristic

dc.contributor.advisorRahayu, Winiati P.
dc.contributor.advisorMaheswari, Rarah Ratih Adjie
dc.contributor.advisorPalupi, Nurheni Sri
dc.contributor.authorSetyawardani, Triana
dc.description.abstractThe development of functional food products in Indonesia contributes to the increase in the utilization of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as indigenous probiotic microorganisms. The research was conducted in 4 (four) stages, namely: (1) isolation and identification of LAB from goat milk, (2) determination of probiotic LAB in vitro (3) production of probiotic cheese and its characterization and (4) determination of functional properties of LAB. A total of 16 BAL from Peranakan Ettawa (PE) goat milk and 17 isolates from Peranakan Saanen (PESA) goat milk were successfully isolated and identified. BAL obtained from the first experiment met the general criteria as lactic acid bacteria. In vitro test on BAL showed that 18 isolates were endured to low acid (2.0, 2.5 and 3.2) with decline of viability <1.0 log cfu m-1, and 8 isolates were endured to bile salt (0.3%) with decline of viability 1-3 log cfu ml-1. Isolates with code TW 2, 3 and 32 were identified as L. rhamnosus with similarity level of 99.9; 99.3 and 99.9%. Isolates with code TW 4, 10, 14, 26 and 28 were identified as L. plantarum with similarity level of 89.2; 99.9; 99.9, and 99.9%. Then, the 8 isolates were tested for their antimicrobial properties. Eight isolates were able to slow down the growth of Gram negative bacteria and 5 isolates were able to successfully make attachment on the intestinal mucosa. The use of mixed cultures of isolate L.rhamnosus TW2 and L.plantarum TW14 produced cheese with good characteristics. Other findings have also revealed that the use of probiotic in combination or mixes gave more beneficial effects on cheese properties than single culture. The use of mixed cultures produced cheese with hardness 34.73 gf and cohesiveness -10.18 gs, protein content of 33.88%. fat content of 34.42%, and The cheese possessed texture, taste and flavor similar to soft cheeses from the markets. During storage, soft cheese showed an excellent stability with number of LAB remains high after four weeks of storage for all treatments, which was in the range of 8.59 – 9.69 log cfu g-1. Administration of mixed probiotic isolates was effective to prevent the intervention of S. Typhimurium after 13 days of administration. The prevention function was shown from the higher number of detected LAB in ileum and caecum by the time of intervention. The ability to prevent infection that might occur was shown from the lowering number of S. Typhimurium detected at the time of intervention, which was lower than control. The recovery function was shown from the absence of S. Typhimurium after 10 days post intervention, and the evidence of higher number of LAB in the caecum than control. In conclusion, L.rhamnosus TW2, and L.plantarum TW14 isolates possesses excellent probiotic characteristics in vitro, and mixed isolates is suitable as probiotic culture for cheese production and for functional foods development due to the excellent characteristics that have been investigated.en
dc.description.abstractSusu kambing merupakan salah satu sumber bakteri asam laktat (BAL). Bakteri probiotik termasuk dalam kelompok BAL yang berperan sebagai pangan fungsional. Berkembangnya produk pangan fungsional di Indonesia ikut memacu peningkatan penggunaan BAL probiotik. Aplikasi probiotik pada produk-produk olahan harus memenuhi persyaratan yang telah ditetapkan oleh FAO/WHO. Bakteri asam laktat membutuhkan persyaratan suhu, pH, kadar garam untuk hidup dan berkembang secara optimal. Isolat BAL dikelompokkan dan diseleksi ketahanan hidupnya pada lingkungan tertentu. Persyaratan BAL sebagai probiotik secara in vitro, antara lain : (1) bakteri tahan terhadap pH rendah, (2) tahan pada kondisi garam empedu saluran pencernaan, (3) memiliki aktivitas antibakteri, (4) mampu menempel dan berkolonisasi pada sel inang dan (5) tahan terhadap pengolahan. Persyaratan lain adalah ketahanan BAL pada saluran pencernaan hewan percobaan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menggali potensi BAL asal susu kambing untuk mendapatkan BAL yang berpotensi sebagai probiotik. Bakteri probiotik diaplikasikan untuk pengembangan pangan fungsional yaitu keju dengan sifat probiotik susu kambing. Tujuan khusus penelitian ini adalah (1) mendapatkan isolat BAL asal susu kambing jenis Peranakan Ettawa (PE) dan Peranakan Saanen (PESA) dengan karakteristik BAL, (2) mengkarakterisasi BAL sebagai probiotik secara in vitro terhadap ketahanannya pada pH rendah (2,0; 2,5 dan 3,2) dan kondisi garam empedu saluran pencernaan (0,3%), sifat antibakteri BAL dan tingkat penempelannya pada mukosa usus, (3) membuat keju dengan sifat probiotik dari isolat BAL asal susu kambing dan mempelajari karakteristik mikrobiologi, kimia fisik dan sensori dan (4) mengetahui karakteristik probiotik BAL secara in vivo dengan pengujian pada hewan percobaan terhadap profil mikroflora usus, potensinya sebagai imunomodulator dan profil morfologi usus. Tahapan penelitian terbagi dalam empat tahapan penelitian, yaitu: (1) isolasi dan identifikasi BAL dari susu kambing, (2) pengujian sifat probiotik BAL secara in vitro, (3) produksi dan karakteristik keju dengan sifat probiotik dan (4) pengujian sifat fungsional probiotik BAL secara in vivo. Penelitian ini telah berhasil mengisolasi 33 isolat BAL dari sampel susu kambing. Sebanyak 16 isolat yang diisolasi berasal dari jenis kambing PE dan 17 isolat dari jenis kambing PESA. Bakteri asam laktat asal susu kambing memenuhi karakteristik umum sebagai bakteri BAL karena secara morfologi berbentuk batang atau bulat, secara fisiologi merupakan kelompok Gram positif dan bersifat katalase negatif, (2) dapat hidup pada kisaran yang luas pada suhu (0-45oC), pH (4,4) dan kadar garam (6,5 %), dan (3) tidak menghasilkan amonia, dekstrin tetapi bervariasi sifat produksi CO2, yaitu sebagian besar heterofementatif (61 %) dan juga homofermentatif (39%).
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectL. rhamnosusen
dc.subjectgoat milken
dc.subjectfunctional foodsen
dc.titleKarakteristik dan pemanfaatan bakteri asam laktat asal susu kambing untuk pembuatan keju dengan sifat probiotikid
dc.titleCharacterization and utilization of lactic acid bacteria from goat milk with probiotic cheese characteristicen

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