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Capture Fisheries Development based on Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) in Temate Waters, North Maluku Province

dc.contributor.advisorHaluan, Jhon
dc.contributor.advisorWisudo, Sugeng Hari
dc.contributor.authorAstarini, Julia Eka
dc.description.abstractPerikanan dunia sudah menjadi sebuah sektor industri pangan yang berkembang secara dinamis, akan tetapi pada penghujung tahun 1980-an sumberdaya perikanan temyata tidak dapat lebih lama lagi menyangga pengusahaan dan perkembangan yang demikian pesat serta sering tidak terkendalikan, sehingga sudah mendesak diperIukan pendekatan bam pada pengelolaan perikanan yang mencakup pertimbangan konservasi dan lingkungan (FAO 1995). Badan-badan pengarah FAO merekomendasikan perumusan suatu Tatalaksana atau Ketentuan untuk Perikanan yang Bertanggungjawab (Code oj Conduct jor Responsible Fisheries) yang bersifat global dan konsisten dengan perangkat-perangkat hukum yang telah ada. Walaupun bersifat sukarela, akan tetapi bagian tertentu dari Tatalaksana ini didasarkan pada aturan hukum internasional yang relevan serta memuat ketentuan yang mungkin berupa atau telah diberi efek mengikat dengan perangkat hukum lain yang bersifat obligatori diantara pihak-pihak (F AO 1995).en
dc.description.abstractThis research was conducted in Temate Waters which is located in Fisheries Management Zone or WPP 715 (Maluku Sea, Gulf of Tomini, and Ceram Sea). The level of exploitation on fish resources in this area is just reached to about 41.83%. However, based on field observation the illegal fishing such as cyanide fishing and bombing are still being reported. Consequently the management activities should be carried out as early as possible as a precautionary approach. To assure a sustainable capture fisheries in this management area, a study based on Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) criteria is needed. This study was aimed to set a strategy of capture fisheries development in CCRFbased through: (1) identifying CCRF-based criteria for fishing units, (2) determining fishing units which are supporting the CCRF's criteria, (3) determining an optimal allocation of fishing units to be developed. The research· was conducted using survey method. Scoring method and goal prograrnmingare among the methods of analysis applied. The result of analysis shows that the strategy of capture fisheries development in CCRF-based in Temate waters can be conducted through identification of CCRF-based criteria for fishing units, determination of fishing units which are supporting the CCRF's criteria, and determination of an optimal allocation of fishing units to be developed. The development should be implemented by considering the capture fisheries in Temate as a complex system so its development has to be conducted integratedly. Seven aspects can be used to determine a CCRF-based fishing unit are: the biology, technology, economic, social, environment, post harvest, and legal aspects. Most of the fishing units operating in the area are still fulfilling the CCRF criteria. They in ranking order, subsequently are: the pole and line, purse seine, lift net, and drift gillnet as pelagic gears, and the handline, trap, set gillnet, and muroami as demersal gears. The optimal allocation of fishing units suggested to be developed in the research area are: the pole and line 39 units and purse seine 68 units for the pelagic fisheries; and the handline 186 units for the demersal fisheries
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectcapture fisheriesen
dc.subjectTemate watersen
dc.titlePengembangan Perikanan Tangkap Berbasis Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) di Perairan Temate, Provinsi Maluku Utaraen
dc.titleCapture Fisheries Development based on Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) in Temate Waters, North Maluku Province

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