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dc.contributor.advisorIndrasti, Nastiti Siswi
dc.contributor.authorEfendi, Muchlis
dc.description.abstractThe aim oj this research was to analyse the water quality status and its effect to ecological component, community structure of makrozoobenthos and g ublic health and also to formulate the strategy jor managing the pollution in l..UJ.arang Mumus river, Samarinda City. This research was conducted from March '$J Mei 2009. Samples of water and makrozoobenthos were taken 3 times every ~onth in 5 stations along the Karang Mumus River. Data of water quality were .ama1yzed using STORET method to find the water quality status. Data of 'ilnakrozoobenthos structure were analyzed to find the abundance, diversity index, ~imilarity index and domination index. Interview also done to find the perseption ~bout pollution from the community along the Karang Mumus River and the ~'Overment. SWOT and AHP were conducted to find the best strategy based on the -:!!lain priority Jor managing the pollution in Karang Mumus River. ; Pollution in Karang Mumlls River caused by community activity along the ~arang Mumus River such as home living, industlY, commercial area that :tfasting the river with the pollutant without any t.hreatment. The result shown that !!he water quality status wasn't suitable Jor the 1st , 2nd and 3rd class standard based ~n PP No. 82 Tahun 2001. It'sjust suitable for 4th class that usefullforfreshwater ~quaculture, ranch and famling activity. The community structure of r:JJ1akrozoobenthos shown the low stability community, waters in stress condition fJrnd some domination of any species. Throught the public health shown that ~'djm'e" was the most disease attack Samm'inda community. This condition showed that the community activity along the Karang Mumus River caused the decrease oj the water quality. Based on SWOT Analysis and AHP, the main priority to manage the pollution are: (1). Coordination with all stakeholder in order to save the environmental of Karang Mumus river, (2). Monitoring, evaluating and cooperating with the community, (3). Socialization the programe to save the Karang Mumus River to all stakeholder, (4). Relocation of the community and normalization of the river (5). Increase self belonging to conserve and len·!! enforcement, (6). Develop the communal water treatment and (7). Develop the ecotourism.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectStoret methoden
dc.subjectWater quality statusen
dc.subjectKarang Mumus Riveren
dc.subjectSamarinda City.en
dc.titleAnalisis Status Mutu Air dan Formulasi Strategi Pengelolaan Sungai Karang Mumus Kota Samarindaen

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