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Model development of agro-eco-industrial park bitung, North Sulawesi Province.

dc.contributor.advisorSeminar, Kudang Boro
dc.contributor.authorPojoh, Broerie
dc.description.abstractIndustrial challenges of the 21st century gave birth to the concept of sustainable industry which in turn was followed by industrial ecology, a concept which tries to apply the non-waste ecological systems to industrial production systems. The application of industrial ecology concept gave birth to the term eco-industrial park (EIP). The general purpose of this research is to build a model development of Agro-eco-industrial park (AEIP) Bitung, North Sulawesi Province. Method used is FAST (synergy tool facility), Connectance Value, Likert Scale, ISM Method, AHP methods and Powersim Studio Expert 2005. The research shows that in terms of production and environmental management, agro-based industries in Bitung City were assessed to be as good enough. Pattern of linkages among industries was 23.64%, or still in low figure. Result also showed that AEIP alternative priority model that includes the activities of manufacturing industries, cooperation and exchange of waste materials, cattle, poultry, slaughter house, composting, renewable energy generation sources, and wastewater treatment facilities is of alternative model that can be developed in Bitung City. The design of dynamic models of that alternative priority model produces dominant variables, namely: Marine Fisheries-based Industry Sub-Model, Coconut-based Industry Sub-Model, Agro-Industrial Complex Sub-Model, Renewable Energy Generation Sub-Model, and Waste and by-Products Sub-Model. The dynamic models showed that in 15th year, the Agro-EIP model will reduce waste and or increase by-products usage as follows: reduce fish blood of 161,950 liters (24.96%), reduce cattle urine of 161,950 liters (6.25%), feces of beef cattle and chickens as many as 2,015,733 kg (94.40%); increase usage of marine fisheries by-products as many as 24,290,500 kg (93.59%), coconut water by-products as many as 11,803,600 liters (93.01%), coconut shell as many as 2,160,000 kg (>100%), “paring” of coconut flesh as many as 2,447,200 kg (90.64%), and in general lowering of the liquid waste, i.e. coconut milk, fish blood, and urine of cattle as many as 12,127,500 liters (1% of the total liquid waste). S teps that can accelerate the realization of the model are development of Industrial Park in Kelurahan Tanjung Merah and approval of Special Economic Zone (KEK) in Bitung City. In order to meet the need of coconut and marine fish raw materials, the Government should try to reduce IUU (illegal, unreported, unregulated) activities, and to build non-conventional coconut production policy, i.e. derived essential coconut products for health care and body treatments.en
dc.description.abstractTantangan industri abad ke-21 melahirkan konsep industri berkelanjutan yang selanjutnya diikuti oleh ekologi industri, suatu konsep yang mencoba mengaplikasi sistem ekologi yang nir-limbah ke sistem produksi industri. Penerapan dari konsep ekologi industri melahirkan istilah eco-industrial park (EIP). Tujuan Umum Penelitian ini adalah membangun model pengembangan “agro-eco-industrial park” (AEIP) Bitung Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Penambahan kata “agro” berkaitan dengan eksistensi mayoritas industri agro yang beraktivitas di kota itu. Tujuan khususnya adalah: mengevaluasi kondisi aktual dari industri agro/manufaktur; menganalisis program pengembangan model; dan menganalisis implikasi dan rekomendasi kebijakan penerapan model. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah FaST (facility synergy tool), pengelompokan SWOT, Connectance value, Bagan alir, Skala Likert, Metode ISM (Modul ISM VAXO), Metode AHP (Criterium Decision Plus Versi 3.0), Metode deskritif, dan Program Powersim Studio Expert 2005. Hasil penelitian terhadap kondisi aktual dari industri agro/manufaktur menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas industri yang beraktivitas di Kota Bitung adalah industri agro berbasis perikanan laut dan kelapa dimana dari segi produksi dan pengelolaan lingkungan, kinerjanya dinilai cukup baik. Selanjutnya diketahui bahwa aktivitas industri agro mendapat dukungan positif dari pemangku kepentingan, seperti warga masyarakat dan aparat Pemerintah dan rencana pembangunan Kawasan Industri di Kelurahan Tanjung Merah mendapat dukungan positif dari warga masyarakat, aparat pemerintah, dan pelaku industri agro. Kondisi eksisting kualitas air sungai dan sumur di rencana lokasi Kawasan Industri di Kelurahan Tanjung Merah termasuk dalam kategori baik. Pola keterkaitan antar industri di Kota Bitung adalah sebesar 23,64% atau masih dalam kategori rendah. Hasil penelitian terhadap Program Pengembangan AEIP menunjukkan bahwa elemen kunci dari tujuan program adalah membangkitkan energi dengan sumber terbarukan dan meningkatkan kerjasama antar industri secara sukarela. Elemen kunci dari kendala utama program adalah kurangnya pemahaman terhadap konsep AEIP dan rencana lokasi kawasan industri adalah lahan pertanian subur. Selanjutnya diketahui bahwa Model AEIP prioritas yang meliputi kegiatan-kegiatan industri manufaktur, kerjasama pertukaran materi dan limbah, penggemukan sapi, peternakan ayam, RPH, pengomposan, pembangkitan energi listrik terbarukan, dan fasilitas pengolahan limbah cair merupakan alternatif model prioritas yang dapat dikembangkan di Kota Bitung.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectsustainable industryen
dc.subjectindustrial ecologyen
dc.subjectconnectance value of industryen
dc.subjecteco-industrial parken
dc.subjectagro-eco-industrial parken
dc.subjectdynamic models.en
dc.titleModel pengembangan ”agro-eco-industrial park” bitung, Provinsi Sulawesi Utaraen
dc.titleModel development of agro-eco-industrial park bitung, North Sulawesi Province.

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