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Analysis of vulnerability and poverty determinant based on regional characteristic in Barru Regency South Sulawesi Province

dc.description.abstractPoverty is related not only to economic aspect, but also to social, culture, politic and spatial aspect and susceptible to externalities. Islam (2001), said that susceptible can take place because shock in micro level such as illness of wage earner or deathness, and in meso level such as harvest fail, fluctuation of product price, and environment degradation, and in macro level because financial crisis. This study intend to: (i) to identify poor household characteristic according to area tipology; (ii) to analyze the influence of education level, healthy, accessibility, household economic condition, communities participation in development process, and regional aspect to poverty vulnerability; (iii) to analyze the susceptibility level of poor household based on regional characteristics; (iv) to analyze the influence of economic growth, government expenditure, regional genuine income, inflation, sector share to PDRB, and financial crisis, against poverty in Barru Regency. This study used descriptive and quantitative methodologies. Data consists of primary data from survey and interview and secondary data that related to poverty determinant. Sampling was done with multistage area sampling to determine study village i.e. 6 coastal villages, 3 lowland villages and 3 highland villages. The number respondents were 480 households, consists of 240 households from coastal villages, 120 households from lowland villages and 120 from highland villages. Results of the study show that household characteristics were different among region. Household characteristic on highland region were featured by low education level, low health level, limited access to health insurance, low access to formal financial institution, limited access to state electricity, limited access to middle education and limited access to telecomunication compared to household in coastal and lowland region. Furthermore, communities participation level in development process was highest in lowland region, followed by highland region, and the lowest in coastal region. Household vulnerabilities against poverty based micro perspective were influenced by some variables i.e. (i) woman household head; (ii) large amount of family burden; (iii) low education level of household level; (iv) low access to formal financial institution; (v) low health of household head; (vi) limited access to state electricity; (vii) low participation in development process; and (viii) low value of productive assets property. In addition, poverty vulnerability associated with regional aspect, household living in highland region has less vulnerability compare to household living in coastal and lowland region. Moreover, determinant or factors that influence to the decreasing of poor population amount based on macro perspective consists of: (i) government expense on education, health, agriculture, and infrastructure; (ii) PDRB per capita; (iii) increasing contribution of agriculture sector and industrial sector to PDRB; and (iv) policy of fiscal decentralization. Factors that have positive influence against the increasing poor population, consist of (i) increasing area native income; (ii) increasing price of product and service (GDP_ deflator); and (iii) monetary crisis. Based on simulation of poverty reduction policy, there are three macro agendas that strategically can accelerate poverty reduction in Barru Regency. The three macro agendas are (i) increasing public expenditure to education, health, agriculture, and infrastructure; (ii) increasing productivity of agriculture sector, (iii) increasing productivity of industry sector; (iv) economic growth with equity; and (v) price control of goods and services to maintain purchasing power parity of the communitiesen
dc.description.abstractPengentasan kemiskinan memiliki tantangan yang sangat besar untuk dicapai, karena permasalahan dan fenomena kemiskinan memiliki sifat dan karakteristik yang sangat beragam. Kemiskinan bukan hanya terkait dengan aspek ekonomi, akan tetapi juga terkait dengan aspek sosial, budaya, politik dan dimensi wilayah (spatial) serta rentan terhadap eksternalitas. Standing (2006) memandang sebab-sebab kemiskinan tidak berasal dari gejala sesaat, tetapi merupakan masalah struktural yang disebutnya “kerentanan ekonomi” (economic insecurity), yang dipengaruhi oleh risiko-risiko sosial ekonomi dan ketidakpastian serta kemampuan yang terbatas untuk mengatasi dan memulihkan diri (to recover). Sedangkan Islam (2001), menyebutkan bahwa kerentanan dapat terjadi karena adanya guncangan pada tingkat mikro seperti pencari nafkah sakit atau meninggal dunia, pada tingkat meso seperti adanya gagal panen, fluktuasi harga produk dan degradasi lingkungan, dan pada tingkat makro karena krisis moneter atau finansial. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan baik oleh Pemerintah maupun Pemerintah Daerah bahkan melibatkan lembaga internasional dan lembaga swadaya masyarakat (Non Government Organization/NGO) dengan waktu dan biaya yang tidak terhitung jumlahnya. Seiring dengan implementasi otonomi daerah yang dibarengi dengan desentralisasi fiskal, dimana pemerintah daerah diberikan kewenangan besar dalam menetapkan kebijakan publik melalui APBD termasuk dalam alokasi anggaran pengentasan kemiskinan. Berdasarkan pada berbagai program dan kegiatan penanggulangan kemiskinan tersebut dan semakin meningkatnya atau membaiknya asumsi-asumsi makroekonomi, maka seyogyanya jumlah penduduk miskin dapat ditanggulangi secara signifikan dan permanen. Namun demikian, upaya tersebut belum memberikan hasil yang optimal sesuai dengan indikator sasaran yang telah ditetapkan. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, maka dilakukan penelitian untuk mengkaji kerentanan dan determinan kemiskinan berdasarkan karakteristik wilayah di Kabupaten Barru Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (i) mengidentifikasi karakteristik rumah tangga miskin berdasarkan tipologi wilayah; (ii) menganalisis pengaruh tingkat pendidikan, kesehatan, aksesibilitas, kondisi ekonomi rumah tangga, dan partisipasi masyarakat dalam proses pembangunan terhadap kerentanan kemiskinan; (iii) menganalisis tingkat kerentanan rumah tangga miskin berdasarkan karakteristik wilayah; dan (iv) menganalisis pengaruh pertumbuhan ekonomi, belanja pemerintah, pendapatan asli daerah, inflasi, share sektor terhadap PDRB, dan krisis moneter terhadap kemiskinan di Kabupaten Barru.ind
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectpoverty determinanten
dc.subjectregional characteristicen
dc.subjectBarru Regencyen
dc.titleAnalisis kerentanan dan determinan kemiskinan berdasarkan karakteristik wilayah di Kabupaten Barru Provinsi Sulawesi Selatanen
dc.titleAnalysis of vulnerability and poverty determinant based on regional characteristic in Barru Regency South Sulawesi Provinceen

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