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Analysis of seed vigor in relation to storability of pepper (capsicum annuum l.) seedand its genetic parameter estimation.

dc.contributor.advisorHadi Sutjahjo, Surjono
dc.contributor.advisorRahmad Suhartanto, Mohamad
dc.contributor.advisorSyukur, Muhamad
dc.contributor.authorPrihastuti Ekowahyuni, Luluk
dc.description.abstractThe abilityof seedtomaintainseed qualityduringstorageis calledseed vigor.Selectionmethodfor testingseed vigor of pepper seeds is necessarytodetermineseed vigor in relation to seed storability duringthe process ofmarketingand distribution. Seeds were usedwerespecies genotype of IPB C9, which is the freshly harvested from pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)collection of the GeneticsandPlant Breeding Division, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). Vigor test methods arenatural deterioration test at room temperature in controlled humidity (RH 90-95%) compared to 4 Accelerated Aging (AA) methods using hot water (60ºC), methanol 20%, ethanol 20% and termperature test at 40ºC. This first experiment aimed ataccelerated aging methods for testing seed vigor in relation to seed storability of pepper seed.The best method was selected using analysis of variance, coeficient of variance, regression dan t student analysis. Based on these analysis is was found that AA methods using methanol 20% and time periods of 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours, is the best method to determine pepper seed vigor in relation to seed storability. The second experiment was designed to evaluate rapid ageing methods of methanol 20% for 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours which is the first stage of the experiment results on some of the pepper seeds genotypes including hybrid, non hybrid, local, introduction, and a great chili seeds produced in year 2009 and 2010. Seed used was non hybrid seed as much as 4 genotypes of production in 2009 and 4 genotype seed of production in 2010. Hybrid seeds used were 10 genotypes of production in 2009 and 8 genotypes of production in 2010. Data analysis used were analysis of the slope of the regression line which is the angle resulting from the comparison of the ordinate and the axis. Information obtained based on test results of the accelerated aging method by using methanol 20% for 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours, that the shelf life of seed vigor in relation to storability of production in 2009 is better than from the production in 2010. Pepper seeds evaluated, the hybrid seeds, have same seed vigor in relation to seed storability with the non hybrid pepper seeds, as well as seed vigor in relation to seed storability between local vs introduction seeds, and the seed vigor in relation to seed storability of great chili vs chili pepper seeds.The third experiment was to achieve a method of selection in helping pepper breeding programs to produce high seeds vigor in relation to storability. Parents used was pepper seeds are high yielding varieties of pepper seed collections from research by IPB genetic and plant breeding division. There was no maternal effect on pepper seed vigor in relation to storability in power germinated, growth speed and electrical conductivity benchmarks, contrary there was maternal effect in length of radicle and length of hipocotyl benchmarks. Parents with high-affinity values were IPB C15 and crosses with particular value of high affinity and positive heterosis value was IPB C9 x IPB C10.en
dc.description.abstractKemampuanbenihcabaidalammempertahankanmutubenihnya di penyimpananataudayasimpanbenihcabaimerupakankendala vigor benih di pemasaran.Dayasimpanbenihcabaiditentukanoleh vigor benih.Metodepengujian vigor benihcabai yang mudah, cepat, efisiendanobjektifbelumbanyakditeliti.Vigor benihcabaidikendalikanolehfaktorgenetik, dan vigor adalahsifatkuantitatif yang dipengaruhiolehlingkunganselamapembentukanbenih, panendanpenyimpanan.Penelitianinimencakuptigapercobaanyaitu (1) Metodepengusangancepatuntukpengujianvigor dayasimpanbenihcabai ((Capsicum annuun L.), (2) Konsistensimetodepengujian vigor dayasimpanbenihcabaidan (3) Pendugaan parameter genetik vigor dayasimpanbenihcabaimenggunakananalisissilanghalfdialel. Percobaan pertama bertujuan mendapatkan metode pengujian vigor benih cabai yang mudah, cepat, tepat dan objektif khususnya vigor daya simpan. Benih tanamanyang digunakan adalah benih cabai (Capsicum annuum L) koleksi Bagian Genetika dan Pemuliaan TanamanInstitut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) yang baru dipanen.Metode percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Kelompok Lengkap Teracak (RKLT) dengan satu faktor. Faktornyaadalahmetodepengujian vigor dayasimpanbenihcabai.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectseed vigoren
dc.subjectcontrolled deterioration methodsen
dc.subjectaccelerated aging methoden
dc.subjectgenetic parameter seed vigor pepperen
dc.titleAnalisis vigor daya simpan benih cabai (capsicum annuuml.) dan pendugaan parameter genetiknyaid
dc.titleAnalysis of seed vigor in relation to storability of pepper (capsicum annuum l.) seedand its genetic parameter estimation.en

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