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Fly-Repellency of Redistillated Liquid Smoke of Palm Oil Shell in Salted Fermented Fish.

dc.contributor.advisorAchmadi, Suminar Setiati
dc.contributor.advisorMubarik, Nisa Rachmania
dc.contributor.authorSeptiaji, Panji
dc.description.abstractInsecticides and synthetic preservatives are widely used in salted fermented fish (jambal). This can cause accumulation of certain compounds that are hazardous to health when consumed continuously. The use of such materials can be replaced by liquid smoke made from oil palm shell. The liquid smoke was characterized for its phenolic content, pH value, acidity, and identification of compounds using gas chromatography-mass spectrometer, continued with antibacterial and repellency test. The phenolic content was 2.6% while the pH value and the acid levels were 3.22 and 9.15%, respectively. There were no harmful compounds such as tar and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The addition of liquid smoke (8, 9, and 10%) in the salted fermented fish were able to increase the repellency to flies of more than 95%. In these level of liquid smoke, the diameter of clear zone formed in the antibacterial test was 10−20 mm, meaning that the liquid smoke fell into strong antibacterial category. In addition, the content of phenolic compounds, carboxylic acids, and carbonyl serve as a natural preservative to replace the use of synthetic preservatives in salting fermented fish.en
dc.description.abstractInsektisida dan pengawet sintetik banyak digunakan saat pengasinan ikan jambal. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan akumulasi senyawa tertentu yang sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan apabila dikonsumsi terus-menerus. Penggunaan bahan tersebut dapat digantikan oleh asap cair tempurung kelapa sawit. Asap cair terlebih dahulu dianalisis kadar fenolik, nilai pH, kadar asam, dan identifikasi senyawa dengan kromatografi gas-spektrometer massa kemudian dilanjutkan dengan uji antibakteri dan repelensi. Kadar fenolik yang dihasilkan adalah 2.6%, sedangkan nilai pH dan kadar asam masing-masing 3.22 dan 9.15%. Pada identifikasi senyawa, tidak terdapat senyawa berbahaya seperti tar dan hidrokarbon aromatik polisiklik. Penambahan asap cair (8, 9, dan 10%) pada ikan asin jambal dapat meningkatkan daya repelensi terhadap lalat hijau hingga mencapai lebih dari 95%. Pada tingkat konsentrasi tersebut, diameter zona bening yang terbentuk pada uji antibakteri adalah 10−20 mm sehingga asap cair tempurung kelapa sawit memiliki sifat antibakteri kategori kuat. Selain itu, kandungan senyawa fenolik, asam karboksilat, dan karbonil berfungsi untuk pengawet alami sehingga dapat menggantikan penggunaan pengawet sintetik pada ikan asin jambal.
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleDaya Repelensi-Lalat Asap Cair Redistilasi dari Tempurung Kelapa Sawit pada Ikan Asin Jambalen
dc.titleFly-Repellency of Redistillated Liquid Smoke of Palm Oil Shell in Salted Fermented Fish.

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