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Potential yield analysis of groundnut in term of capacity and activity of source and sink

dc.contributor.advisorPoerwanto, Roedhy
dc.contributor.advisorLubis, Iskandar
dc.contributor.advisorWahyu E.K, Yudiwanti
dc.contributor.advisorManshuri, A.Ghozi
dc.contributor.authorPurnamawati, Heni
dc.description.abstractThe research was conducted with the aim to get the source and sink character of groundnuts that affect yield and percentage of full pods. The study was conducted by performing two experiments. Twelve varieties released from the years 1950-2003 are used. The 12 varieties were planted on two planting seasons (2007 and 2010) in two different locations. The observations made include source and sink capacity and activities, sink strenght, harvest index and yield. In the second experiment eight varieties were used to observe the non-structural carbohydrates (TNC) (2007). Two varieties of groundnuts were used to observe the translocation of carbon by using carbon 13 (13C) (2009). Characters of source and sink that positively and directly influence pod yield/plant of groundnut were number of pod/plant, weight of 100 seed and number of gynophores at 70 DAP. Characters which positively and directly affects harvest index were stem and leaf dry weight at 42 DAP, seed yield/plant and the number of pod/plant. Source and sink characters directly and positively affects the percentage of full pods were number of pod/plant, weight of 100 seed and LAI 70 DAP. There is an indication that most of assimilate for pod filling was obtained from the photosynthetic activities during the pod filling. There were no differences between varieties with different growth patterns. There is also an indication that some varieties do remobilisation of assimilate during pod filling period. There are seven patterns of source and sink relationship in groundnut varieties, based on the source and sink characters. Based on the source and sink characters that influence pod poduction and quality, an ideotype of groundnut plant with high productivity and high filling percentage was contructed.en
dc.description.abstractPenelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan karakter source dan sink kacang tanah yang mempengaruhi produksi dan persentase polong penuh. Berdasarkan karakter source dan sink tadi kemudian disusun ideotype tanaman kacang tanah yang berpotensi menghasilkan bobot polong tinggi dengan kualitas polong yang baik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melakukan dua percobaan. Percobaan pertama untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai kapasitas dan aktivitas source dan sink dengan mengamati beberapa varietas kacang tanah. Percobaan kedua dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui pergerakan aliran karbon dalam tanaman kacang tanah yang berbeda pola pertumbuhannya. Dua belas varietas nasional yang dilepas dari tahun 1950-2003 digunakan sebagai bahan tanam dalam percobaan pertama. Keduabelas varietas ditanam pada dua musim tanam (2007 dan 2010) di dua lokasi yang berbeda. Pengamatan yang dilakukan meliputi karakter kapasitas dan aktivitas source dan sink serta kekuatan sink, indeks panen dan produksi polong dan biji. Pada percobaan kedua digunakan delapan varietas kacang tanah untuk mengamati kandungan karbohidrat non-struktural (TNC) (MT-2007). Dua varietas kacang tanah digunakan untuk mengamati translokasi karbon dengan menggunakan penjejak isotop karbon 13 (13C) (MT-2009). Terdapat karakter-karakter source dan sink yang berpengaruh langsung positif meningkatkan hasil polong/tanaman kacang tanah yaitu jumlah polong/tanaman, bobot 100 biji dan jumlah ginofor 70 HST. Karakter-karakter source dan sink yang berpengaruh langsung menaikkan indeks panen yaitu bobot kering batang dan daun pada 42 HST, bobot biji/tanaman dan jumlah polong/tanaman. Karakter-karakter source dan sink yang berpengaruh langsung meningkatkan persentase polong penuh yaitu jumlah polong/tanaman, bobot 100 biji dan ILD 70HSTid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectcapacity and activity of source and sinken
dc.subjectsink strengthen
dc.titleAnalisis potensi hasil kacang tanah dalam kaitan dengan kapasitas dan aktivitas source dan sinkid
dc.titlePotential yield analysis of groundnut in term of capacity and activity of source and sinken aat atnah sink strength yield analysis groundnut
dc.subject.keywordsink strength
dc.subject.keywordyield analysis

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