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dc.contributor.advisorPalupi,Endah Retno
dc.contributor.authorFariroh, Indri
dc.description.abstractThe objectives of this research were to study the decline of cucurbits pollen viability during desiccation, to determine the suitable germination medium for cucumber pollen, to determine the best time for pollen harvesting and to study thestorability of Cucumis sativus pollen. The study was carried out during March- August 2011 at Production Farm and Pollen Laboratory, PT East West Seed Indonesia in Jember, East Java. Viability of pollen harvested on the day of anthesis decreased after anther drying in air-conditioned room for 24 hours and decreased further after pollen drying in MgCl2 for 24 hours. Viability of pollen harvested one day before anthesis increased after anther drying in airconditioned room for 24 hours, then decreased after drying in MgCl2 for 24 hours. PGM 1, PGM 2 (modified from the original), Brewbacker and Kwack (BK), E1, and E2 were pollen germination medium used in this experiment. The male parental stock of KE010, KE014, KE018, and KE019 were used as the pollen source. The result showed that KE014 pollen germinated in PGM 1 had higher germination than BK, on the first trial. In the second trial, PGM 1 also showed higher germination than E2. Pollen of KE010, KE018, and KE019 germinated in PGM 2 produced higher germination than PGM 1 in in the third trial. The pollen harvesting was done at 07.00, 09.00, 11.00, 13.00, 15.00, 17.00 one day before anthesis and on the day of anthesis (A-1 and A) on KE010, KE018, KE019. The result showed that the best time for pollen harvesting for the three varieties was during 07.00-11.00 on the day of anthesis with viability at about 35%. The storage conditions under investigation for cucumber pollen were freezer, deep freezer, and ultra freezer. The most suitable storage condition for cucumber pollen (KE010, KE018, KE019) was ultra freezer, in which viability of cucumber pollen more than 1% would keep for 42 HSS (6 weeks), 90 HSS (12 weeks), 9 HSS (1.5 weeks) without any significant decline on germination.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectdessication of pollen
dc.subjectpollen germination mediumen
dc.subjectpollen storageen
dc.subjectpollen viabilityen
dc.titlePengaruh Pengeringan, Media Pengujian, Waktu Panen dan Kondisi Ruang Simpan terhadap Viabilitas Serbuk Sari Mentimun (Cucumis sativus L.).en

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