Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Identifikasi Ganoderma spp dan Trichoderma spp menggunakan marka molekuler ITS-RFLP 

      Sukmaningrum, Layyinah Ayu | Safithri, Mega | Minarsih, Hayati (2015)
      Genetic informations of Ganoderma spp and Trichoderma spp are needed because Ganoderma spp is one of important fungi patogen in estate crops, whereas Trichoderma spp is fungi that can control Ganoderma spp. Research has ...
    • Identifikasi Ganoderma spp. Menggunakan Teknik DNA Barcoding 

      Astri, Dhaniar | Suryani | Minarsih, Hayati (2012)
      Oil palm is one of comodity plantation which is very important. One of the problems faced by the oil palm plantations are disease, namely Basal Stem Rot (BSR) which caused by Ganoderma spp. If plants were attacked by BSR, ...