Bacteria identification and chemical composition of fermented kissing gourami fish roes (Helostoma temminckii C.V)
Identifikasi bakteri dan komposisi kimia produk fermentasi telur ikan tambakan (Helostoma temminckii c.v)
This research aimed to identify bacteria found in fermented kissing gourami fish roes. Furthermore, chemical composition of fermented product was reported. The parameters analyzed were metal content and proximate of fresh fish roes. Analyzed parameter of fermented product included proximate, Cl content, pH, amino acid, free amino acid, fatty acid and minerals (Mg, Ca, K, Na) contents. The results described 5 (five) different colony of bacteria grew dominantly. Those colonies were isolated using tryptic soy agar (TSA) media and determined using BBL Crystal method. The bacteria were identified as Bacillus megaterium, Leifsonia aquatic (Corynebacterium aquaticum), Corynebacterium propinquum, Lysinibacillus sphaericus (Bacillus sphaericus). The chemical analysis of fresh fish roes showed it contained Hg<0,001 mg/Kg, Pb<0,01 mg/Kg, Cd<0,01 mg/Kg. The moisture, protein, fat and ash content were 43,82±0,01%, 12,64±0,47%, 21,73±2,19%, 0,99±0,04% respectively. Based on the results it was concluded that fish roes was in a good condition and safe to be consumed. The chemical composition of the fermented product were 39,26±0,47%, 11,84±1,92%, 15,14±1,92%, 12,45±0,38% for moisture, protein, fat and ash respectively. Minerals contents were 0,08%, 0,06%, 0,15%, 4,76% for K, Ca, Mg, Na respectively. Cl content was 10,25 % and pH of 5,26. The higher amino acid content of fermented fish roes protein was glutamic acid (2,02% of total amino acid) and the limiting amino acids were threonine and leucine. In addition it also contained free amino acid. Fatty acid composition of fermented showed that palmitoleic acid was higher than the others. Fermentasi telur ikan tambakan adalah salah satu bentuk upaya meningkatkan jual produk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi dan mengidentifikasi bakteri setelah proses fermentasi setahun pada telur ikan tambakan secara spontan dan nantinya dapat diaplikasikan sebagai starter. Penelitian ini dilakukan empat tahap yaitu: pembuatan produk fermentasi telur ikan tambakan, isolasi bakteri, identifikasi bakteri, dan analisis kimia telur segar serta telur fermentasi. Proses pembuatan fermentasi telur Tambakan adalah sebagai berikut : telur tambakan dibersihkan terlebih dahulu. Telur yang telah bersih kemudian diberi garam rakyat sebanyak 250 gram untuk 1 Kg telur ikan. Campuran antara telur tambakan dan garam kemudian dimasukan ke dalam botol kaca yang sudah bersih lalu ditutup rapat dan disinilah dimulai proses fermentasi. Produk fermentasi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan sampel yang telah difermentasi selama setahun.
- MT - Fisheries [3038]