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Opini Publik tentang Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap Suralaya

dc.contributor.advisorLUBIS, DJUARA P.
dc.contributor.advisorLUMINTANG, RICHARD WE
dc.contributor.authorFitriah, Maria
dc.description.abstractCoal has commonly been used as one of the energy sources to generate electricity in steam power plants in Indonesia for the reason that it is much more economical than other energy sources. However, it brings about negative impacts on the environment and health. This research aims at (1) analyzing public opinion on Suralaya Steam Power Plant, (2) analyzing correlation between newspaper, public relations, opinion leader and experience to shape public opinion. The research was conducted in the area around Suralaya Power Plant in January until March 2010. Using the community in the area as the research population, the research used cluster random sampling to obtain 343 respondents as the sample. Data was collected by using observation, questionnaire, interview FGD, and documentation study. The research used descriptive correlational method. Public opinion grouped based on the villages, types of occupation, and sexes was analyzed by using chi-square, while the correlation between newspaper, public relations, opinion leader, experience and public opinion was analyzed by using gamma correlation. The result showed that male respondents in Suralaya Village working as merchants and employees generally felt that their economy had become better. Respondents in Suralaya Village and Salira Village who were mostly female employees stated that their village had become more lively. Health problems were only felt by female employees living in Suralaya Village. Both male and female respondents working as fishermen in Suralaya Village were disturbed by the noise from the power plant. Nevertheless, only male respondents working as merchants in Suralaya Village who generally stated that the coal ash could poison the fish at sea and the female respondents confirmed that it could damage their farm. Moreover, female employees in Suralaya Village claimed that the coal ash could also spoil goods. The public opinion was related to opinion leader and experience; nonetheless, newspaper and public relations had no correlation with public opinion.en
dc.description.abstractBatubara merupakan salah satu sumber energi di Indonesia untuk membangkitkan listrik yang banyak dipakai Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) karena biaya lebih murah dibanding sumber energi lainnya, seperti PLTU Suralaya. Namun batubara berdampak negatif pada kesehatan dan lingkungan. Fenomena isu lingkungan menimbulkan pembentukan opini publik. Opini publik diperoleh dari pendapat publik sebagai masyarakat. Suratkabar, public relations, opinion leader, dan pengalaman dapat berhubungan dengan pembentukan opini publik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis opini publik dan menganalisis hubungan suratkabar, public relations, opinion leader, serta pengalaman dalam pembentukan opini publik. Suratkabar, public relations, opinion leader, serta pengalaman merupakan variabel faktor pembentuk opini publik sebagai peubah bebas. Peubah terikat penelitian ini yaitu opini publik dengan variabel opini publik tentang dampak PLTU Suralaya Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif korelasional. Opini publik diteliti berdasarkan desa, jenis pekerjaan, dan jenis kelamin dengan analisis menggunakan chi kuadrat (chi square). Hubungan suratkabar, public relations, opinion leader, dan pengalaman dengan opini publik dianalisis menggunakan korelasi
dc.subjectPublic Opinionen
dc.subjectPLTU Suralayaen
dc.titlePublic opinion on Suralaya Steam Power Planten
dc.titleOpini Publik tentang Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap Suralayaid

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