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dc.contributor.authorErnawati, Erna
dc.description.abstractOne of the programs which is implemented by LPPM IPB is program of Family Empowerment Post (Posdaya). The objectives of this research were 1) Learning the impacts of internal factors of communication effectiveness in socialization of Posdaya program activities, 2) Learning the impact of external factors of communication effectiveness in socialization of Posdaya program activities, 3) Learning the socialization process of Posdaya program activities, 4) Learning the communication effectiveness in socialization of Posdaya program activities, 5) Analyzing the relation between internal and external factors and socialization process of Posdaya program activities, 6) Analyzing the relation between internal and external factors and communication effectiveness in Posdaya program activities, 7) Analyzing the relation between socialization process and communication effectiveness in Posdaya program activities. This research was designed as survey research. Sample collection was conducted with random sampling, and the data were processed with descriptive statistics and analyzed with correlation technique of Tau Kendal. This research results showed among other things that most participants of Posdaya were old aged people, with primary and Junior High School education and had never followed training; the participants were fairly easy to access services in Posdaya program; Posdaya socialization process ocured in fairly efficient manner; and in general, communication in the process of Posdaya socialization process had been effective. Internal and external factors which are related with socialization process in health program were age, formal education and level of cosmopolitan features, whereas those in education program were aspects of formal education and level of cosmopolitan features. In economy program, such factors were aspects of age, formal education, non formal education, business, level of cosmopolitan features and facilities and infrastructure. Internal factors and external factors which are related with communication effectiveness existed only in health program, namely in the aspects of age. Socialization processes which were related with communication effectiveness in health program were communication media, credibility of human resources, and materials and facilities/infrastructure; whereas that in education program was education; and those in economy program were the aspects of method and communication media.en
dc.publisherBogor Agricultural University (IPB)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectcommunication effectivenessen
dc.titleEfektivitas komunikasi dalam sosialisasi kegiatan program Posdaya di desa binaan IPBen

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