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Study of Behavior and Feeding of Javan Gibbon in Primate Research Center IPB and Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park : Preparation of Release

dc.contributor.advisorAstuti, Dewi Apri
dc.contributor.advisorIskandar, Entang
dc.contributor.authorRahman, Dede Aulia
dc.description.abstractStudy on behavior and food analysis of the Javan gibbon at the IPB Primate Research Center (IPB PRC) and Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park (GGPNP) has been conducted to evaluate the plan on releasing the Javan gibbon at the IPB PRC captive facility to the natural habitat. Focal animal and adh-libitum sampling method have been used to record behavior and food preference (quantity, quality and palatability) from January through March 2011, data were analysed using chi-square test. Result showed that there were differences on behavior between Javan gibbon at IPB PRC and GGPNP (Rasamala Forest), example especially significant different on vocalitation the Javan gibbon at Rasamala Forest has a greater frequency of vocalitation than IPB PRC. Another significant difference in behavior is locomotion, some Javan gibbon in PRC often perform a bipedal walking movement (Individual OJ and JLO) and this rarely happens in the Owa of Java in the Forest Rasamala. The largest proportion of activity and behavior in the PRC and Rasamala forest that is on activity and feeding behavior, with the percentage of activity and feeding behavior in PRC reached 15.63% -39.72% and in the rasamala forest reached 15.43% -42.57%. While the activities and behavior that is lowest in vocalisation activity, with the percentage of activity and behavior of vocalisation in the PSSP (0% -0.14%) and in the rasamala forest reach (0% -0.75). For value of nutrient, Total consumption of dry matter (DM), fat and energy in Javan gibbon at PRC higher than rasamala forest. But in terms of nutritional intake of crude fiber and protein, Javan gibbon groups at rasamala forest consume nutrients was higher than PRC. Based on body weight data of Javan gibbon are available on the PRC, DM consumption can be estimated at adult age classes reach 3% of body weight and 7% of body weight for age classes of infant. Related to the need for energy to support the activities and movement and other activity on juvenile age class and reproductive activity in adult age classes, the total energy consumption per body weight reaches 30-50 Cal / kg BW. Considering behavioral, nutrient and health management, release program of Javan gibbon at the IPB PRC needs to be reconsidered, otherwise, building new cage to separate individuals in the group would be best solution at mean while.en
dc.description.abstractOwa Jawa (Hylobates moloch, Audebert 1797) merupakan satu dari lima spesies genus Hylobates yang hidup di Indonesia. Berdasarkan Laporan Conservation Assessment and Management Plan PrimataIndonesia (Supriatna, 2001), saat ini diperkirakan hanya tersisa antara 400-2.000 individu spesies kera ini di habitat alaminya. Hal ini terjadi karena adanya tekanan atau degradasi habitat Owa Jawa dan perdagangan liar satwa ini sebagai hewan peliharaan (Supriatna 2006). Melalui program pelestarian Owa Jawa secara eksitu diharapkan mampu menunjang konservasi in-situ melalui program pelepasliaran ke habitat alaminya. Studi komparasi antara perilaku di alam (insitu) dan di habitat eksitu merupakan kunci bagi program konservasi spesies dan solusi bagi permasalahan tersebut. Hasil kajian mengenai komparasi dirumuskan sebagai dasar dalam penentuan kebijakan dan arah kegiatan pengelolaan manajeman eksitu di PSSP. Studi ini ditunjukan dalam rangka menyiapkan individu di penangkaran sehingga mampu beraktivitas dan berperilaku serta memanfaatkan pakan sebagai mana ketika berada di alam serta ditunjukan dalam penetapan kriteria kesiapan individu yang akan dilepasliarkan. Data-data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data primer dan sekunder. Pengamatan dilakukan secara langsung dilapangan terhadap aktivitas dan perilaku serta pakan Owa Jawa baik di PSSP maupun di Hutan rasamala (Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango) serta melalui studi literature yang relevan dengan bidang kajian. Pengumpulan data primer meliputi data kondisi bio-fisik, pengkayaan lingkungan kandang Owa Jawa, aktivitas dan perilaku, serta pakan.Id_ID
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectOwa Jawaen
dc.subjectAktivitas dan Perilakuen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectJavan gibbonen
dc.titleStudi Perilaku dan Pakan Owa Jawa (Hylobates moloch) Di Pusat Studi Satwa Primata IPB dan Taman Nasional Gunung Gede Pangrango : Penyiapan Pelepasliaranen
dc.titleStudy of Behavior and Feeding of Javan Gibbon in Primate Research Center IPB and Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park : Preparation of Releaseen

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