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Acting Capacity Development Unit in the Regional Personel Agency of Riau Province

dc.contributor.advisorDharmawan, Arya H.
dc.contributor.advisorTonny, Fredian
dc.contributor.authorFauziah, Dewi
dc.description.abstractGood governance is a management system of government that can respond to community aspirations and increase trust in government through the services needed by the community. To achieve this required training and education bureaucracy that is "human investment" increase the capacity of the government apparatus in stages, sustainable. For the implementation of training activities are managed by a Technical Implementation Unit of Education and Training under the Regional Employment Agency of Riau Province. The objective of the Education and Training Unit is intended to increase the quality and behavioral changes as well as the mind set of apparatus for civil servants to enable him to serve the community through communication, interaction, and participation between the two sides so that in turn the public views the change in behavior in terms of service to the public. The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of Technical Implementation Unit of the Regional Employment Agency of Riau Province (HR, member, organization, management), knowing the process of ongoing curriculum-based learning activities and competencies of the main tasks, knowing how far the curriculum of education and training for civil servants to provide the civil servant changes in the quality of public services, as well as formulating the draft strategy at the Technical Implementation Unit of the Regional Employment Agency of Riau Province to develop the organization in accordance with the basic tasks and functions by following the development of the State and society. Program to improve education and training of public service UPT-based Education and Training in the future reformulation of the curriculum focused on community empowerment by incorporating material in a more proportional share according to the needs of the working unit, increased education and training for lecturers, particularly in the methodology of community empowerment, filing system of authority in education and training institution providing an assessment of civil servants, and the Formulation and Implementation of Post-Training Evaluation system and the provision of UPT Education and Training Authority in cooperation with other similar institution and judged competent, and the role of providing valuation advice for the improvement of personnel management system. Conditions that are expected from increased education and training based on public service improvement is the creation of good governance Riau Province Government, through increased education and public service-based training-based improvement methodology based knowledge of community empowermenten
dc.description.abstractTujuan pembentukan UPT Pendidikan dan Pelatihan dimaksudkan untuk peningkatan kualitas, perilaku serta mindset aparatur PNS agar dapat memfungsikan dirinya sebagai abdi masyarakat melalui komunikasi, interaksi, dan partisipatif antara kedua belah pihak sehingga pada gilirannya masyarakat memandang adanya perubahan perilaku dalam pelayanan publik. Untuk itu dikaji profil Unit Pelaksana Teknis Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Riau, proses berlangsungnya kegiatan pembelajaran berdasarkan kurikulum dan kompetensi tugas-tugas pokok, seberapa jauh kurikulum pendidikan dan pelatihan bagi PNS dapat memberikan perubahan PNS dalam kualitas layanan publik, serta perumusan rancangan program bagi Unit Pelaksana Teknis Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Riau dalam rangka pengembangan kapasitas organisasi mengikuti perkembangan negara maupun masyarakat. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa UPT Diklat BKD Provinsi Riau telah melaksanakan tugas pokok dan fungsinya, namun demikian dalam kegiatan pelaksanaan pendidikan dan pelatihan tidak menempatkan kurikulum yang memuat materi muatan lokal dengan metodologi pemberdayaan masyarakat sesuai kebutuhan satuan-satuan kerja dalam upaya peningkatan pelayanan publik. Untuk itu diperlukan usaha peningkatan kapasitas aparatur pemerintah dalam peningkatkan pelayanan publik menggunakan metodologi pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pembentukan Tim yang mempunyai kemampuan dalam menganalisis kesesuaian pendidikan dan pelatihan, merekomendasikan bentuk-bentuk diklat dan pembinaan serta kemampuan melakukan monitoring dan mengevalusi hasil diklat.Id_ID
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectLocal Developmenten
dc.subjectThe Methodology of Community Empowermenten
dc.subjectExcellent Serviceen
dc.subjectPublic Servicesen
dc.subjectGood Governanceen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectPelayanan Publiken
dc.subjectPelayanan Primaen
dc.subjectPembangunan Daerahen
dc.subjectMetodologi Pemberdayaan Masyarakaten
dc.titlePengembangan Kapasitas Unit Pelaksana Teknis Pendidikan dan Pelatihan pada Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Riau untuk Pemberdayaan Masyarakaten
dc.titleActing Capacity Development Unit in the Regional Personel Agency of Riau Provinceen

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