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dc.contributor.authorSamuel, Teten
dc.description.abstractAphrodisiac is believed can increase human stamina and sexuality enhancement. The mechanism can be performed in hormonally and non hormonally way. Hormonal mechanism is thought to be related to cell respiration in mitochondria. The objective of this research was to know the effect of aphrodisiac plant crude extract addition to the mitochondria respiration rate, especially Krebs cycle. Fresh mitochondria was isolated from the liver, kidney and limph of Wistar strain rat. Several plants that used in this research were ginseng (Panax ginseng), pasak bumi (Eurycorna longijolia), cabe jawa (Pepper retrofracttrm), kayu lanang (Oroxylttnt indicttm), tapak liman (Elephantophris scaber) dan purwoceng (Pimpinella prtraljan). Oxidation rate was measured by the ratio of NADH and NADi and performed by ultraviolet spectrophotometer. Aphrodisiac plant crude extract addition to the fresh mitochondria isolate generally decrease its respiration rate, especially by the addition of ginseng, cabe jawa, tapak liman, and kayu lanang. These plant extract addition caused a lower oxidation rate than the control treatment almost in every concentration that used in this research. The control oxidation rate value was 0.620.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleRespon laju respirasi mitokondria terhadap pemberian ekstrak kasar tanaman afrodisiaken

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