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dc.contributor.authorHadriyono, Kukuh Roxa Putra
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study were to know the character of mangosteen rind during development of the mangosteen fruit, studying the total phenol content and antioxidant potential of mangosteen rind. Research was done at Plant Analysis and Chromatoghrapy Laboratory, Deparment of Agronomy and Horticulture, Bogor Agricultural University. This research used Completely Randomized Desain Group (RKLT) single factor wich is harvesting, with continue test Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at level 5%. Harvesting one month after anthesis (BSA), 2 BSA, 3 BSA, 4 BSA and the rind storage two and four weeks after harvesting were done separately. Mangosteen fruit was harvested from Leuwiliang, Bogor. The result showed that total phenolic at crude extract mangosteen and antioxidant capacity to reach IC50 of harvesting and storage have negative correlation. Harvesting handling have effect to fruit weight, aril weight, wet weight rind and vitamin C content. Total phenolic of Harvesting and storage handling have a negative correlation with antioxidant capacity to reach IC50 which are value about -0.53 and -0.91. Assumed that total phenolic content will increase antioxidant capacity in mangosteen rind. Antioxidants capacity on harvesting and sorage handling of mangosteen have IC50<50 (capability of antioxidant are very strong).en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleKarakter Kulit Manggis, Kadar Polifenol Dan Potensi Antioksidan Kulit Manggis (Garcinia mangostana L.) Pada Berbagai Umur Buah Dan Setelah Buah Dipanenen

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