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dc.contributor.authorSantosa, Aldy Alifian
dc.description.abstractThe study was conducted at Vin’s Berry Pak, Cisarua, West Java, from February 15th until June 15th, 2010. The purpose of the study is to improve the knowledge, experience, skills and insights of students on the overall management of strawberry cultivation. The next is to compare the system of strawberry cultivation in farmer’s farm (conventional) with the system in Vin’s Berry Park (hydroponic). The spesific objective of this study is to examine and analyze aspects of nursery management on strawberry plants. The primary data obtained from observation and direct work in the field, interviews and discussion with staff employees, both managerial aspects and aspects of cultural. Secondary data obtained from data that already exist in companies which included geographical location and the farm, the climate, land area, production, employment, and organizational structure. The population of strawberry is 7400 that will be sampled two groups each containing 25 plants of strawberries. Each of strawberry plants that observed consists one parent plant and one seed. Each group will be given different treatment in the parent plants. Group 1 are fertilized only once a day in the morning. Group 2 are fertilized twice a day in the morning and evening. Fertilization interval is three times a week. Observations on the stolon and the seeds are conducted twice a week for four consecutive weeks. The observation of aspects of nurseries, especially in the growth of stolon length, stolon diameter, and height of seed showed different results. In stolon length, the average difference in Group 1 with Group 2 in the fourth week of 3.91 cm or 10%. In stolon diameter, the average difference in Group 1 with Group 2 in the fourth week of 0.44 mm or 15%. While the difference in average height seed of Group 1 with Group 2 in the fourth week of 0:39 inches or about 3.5%. In each of these variables, Group 2 had greater growth than Group 1. From observation it is concluded that giving larger doses of fertilizer had no significant effect on all variables observed. The observation of secondary data shows that crop productivity in Vin's Berry Park only 65.85 kg / month, far from the standard rate of productivity of 231.25 kg / month. This is because plants affected pests and plant age who had more than two years.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titlePengelolaan Pembibitan Stroberi Di Vin’s Berry Park, Cisarua, Bandung Barat, Jawa Baraten

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