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dc.contributor.authorDaniyati, Erlina
dc.description.abstractPeople living around forests have dependency on varieties of flora, as shown by the people of Sungai Wain Protected Forest. The utilization of flora diversity by local people will effect the sustainability of forest natural resources. This research aimed to study the knowledge status of people on flora diversity, to determine flora use value, to determine flora for conservation priority and to arrange the strategy of flora diversity conservation. Methods used were exploration survey method and partisipative observation. The result shown there were 305 species, 224 genus, and 90 family of flora known by local people. Species with highest value was ulin (Eusideroxylon zwagery T.&B.). Species for conservation priority were ulin, bangkirai (Shorea laevis Ridl.), meranti (Shorea spp), lai (Durio kutejetzsis Becc.), pasak bumi (Ezrrycoma longi!olia Jack), nibung (Oncospernza tigilarium Ridl.), akar kuning (Coscinium spp), anggrek hitam (Coelogyne spp), kantong semar (Nephenthes spp), gaharu (Aquilaria microcarpa Baill.), kayu pait-pait (Quasia indica Nmt.), tabat barito (Ficus deltoidea Jack) dan rotan (Calamus spp). Conservation strategies should be conducted are implementations of three main cores of conservation activities, which are save it, study it and use it. The conclusion is that people already has knowledge and highly interacted with flora diversity in which needed proper conservation strategies directed to ensure its sustainability.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectdevelopment, capture fisheries, CCRF, Ternate watersen
dc.titlePengembangan Perikanan Tangkap Berbasis Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) di Perairan Ternate Provinsi Maluku Utaraen

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