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dc.contributor.authorPatiung, Ranalse
dc.description.abstractRecent observation shows coral reef disturbance at dangerous level. It needs seriously conservation by used rehabilitation method. There are many ways of rehabilitation methods but they have many disadvantages. One of rehabilitation methods is transplantation. The disadvantege that method is coral broodstock which take from nature makes coral reef ecosystems destroy if taken in large scale. The other disadvantage is coral transplant can’t a setback after a few offspring. To cover the shortage of rehabilitation needs arrest method to cultivate the larvae. First that method needs natural signal reproduction information, but that informations at tropics area are so less. To resolve that problem the research was conducted. The result of research shows that comparison between environmental factor and coral physiological are lack of correlation. Environmental factors that correlate positively are moon phase and nutrients (PO4) eventhouh a small correlation (below 0,5). The correlation at Euphylia Ancora from PO4 and moon phase are 0,059 and 0,203, while the correlation at Euphylia glabrescens from PO4 Key words : Signal Reproduction, Reproduction Proceses, Oosite Development, Big Polip Coral, Badi Island and moon phase are 0,218 and 0,112. This correlation indicates that a lack of environmental factor influences on oosite development and reproduction of corals in the tropic area. This condition is caused by the absence of extreme environmental factor variation at tropic area.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectSignal Reproductionen
dc.subjectReproduction Procesesen
dc.subjectOosite Developmenten
dc.subjectBig Polip Coralen
dc.subjectBadi Islanden
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleKajian sinyal reproduksi alam dalam proses reproduksi dan perkembangan sel telur karang keras (Scleractinia) polip besar di Pulau Badi, Makassaren

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