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dc.description.abstractAmmonium nitrate industry is one chemical industries that produce waste water with inorganic nitrogen compounds which has potency to pollute environment and threaten human’s health. Waste water treatment is needed to meet environmental quality standards in accordance with government regulations. The purpose of this study is to assess autotroph denitrification process by using a sulfur and limestone packed bed bioreactor in the wastewater with high concentrations of nitrate compounds as well as financial to asses feasibility. Data analysis is processed descriptively by using tables and graphs. The denitrification treatment was done in two stages of processing which is a high concentration (2000 mg-N/L) and low concentration (100 mg-N/L) of nitrate. The results showed that the concentration of nitrate in the outlet of bioreaktor decreased in rate the high and low nitrogen concentrations. For the highs concentration of nitrate, the concentration of nitrate in the outlet is 56,25 mg-N/L with removal efficiency 97,20% at four days hydraulic retention time (HRT). For the low concentration of nitrate, the concentration of nitrate in the outlet is 4,04 mg-N/L with a removal efficiency of 96,37% at one day hydraulic retention time (HRT). Each cost of sulfur materials for high and low concentrations, are Rp.1.100,-/m3 and Rp.200,-/m3 respectively.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectNitrate industryen
dc.subjectAutotrof denitrificationen
dc.subjectNitrate nitrogen removal efficiencyen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.titleDenitrifikasi air limbah industri amonium nitrat menggunakan reaktor berbahan isian batu belerang dan batu japuren

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