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dc.contributor.authorBasuki, Andi Rois
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research was to study of food preference of two house gecko species, H. frenatus (Hf) and C. platyurus (Cp) at several localities in Bogor. This study were conducted from November 2005 upto Mei 2006. Geckos were collected from evening upto midnight (16:00 - 01:00 WIB) by hands, stick, and water gun. Morphometrical characters and diametre of stomachs were measured using caliper (with 0.05 mm precission). Stomach contents were grouped into animal, plant material, and other material. Data were analyzed by calculation of total item in each food category (ni), the number of items (N), Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H') and evenness (E), Jaccard's similarity index (Cj), and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with 95% confidence level. The diet composition of two gecko species were Insecta (95%), Arachnida (0.65%), Mollusca (0.1%), plant materials (2.5%), and other materials (1.75%). Fourteen food categories were found in Hf and 11 food categories were found in Cp. Food diversity in Hf (H'= 1.536) was higher than Cp (H'= 1.429) but evenness in Hf and Cp were equal (E= 0.582 and E= 0.596). The similarity of food item in Hf and Cp was high (Cj= 0.75). Food category in two gecko species were dominated by flies and mosquito (Diptera). Percentage of food category from gecko at Gunung Batu were higher than other areas. Food percentage were higher in December and February than other months. Based on ANOVA analysis of food percentage between locations and months were not significantly different (P>0.05).en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.subjectCicak Makananen
dc.titlePreferensi makanan pada dua species cicak, Hemidactylus frenatus Dymb. Bibr dan Cosymbotus platyurus Schneider melalui analisis makanan dalam lambungen

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