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dc.contributor.authorPratiwi, Arini Hidayati Diah
dc.description.abstractLatosol fertility is generally low because of its low organic matter content and nutrient availability. One of many ways to overcome the low fertility of Latosol is adding fertilizers, either organic or inorganic fertilizers. Fertilization can be applied through the soil or plants. Fertilizer that applied through the plants is usually provided by liquid fertilizer which sprayed on the plant leaf. This experiment was conducted from January to May 2010 in greenhouse located in Cikabayan, IPB. Soil and plant analysis were conducted at the Laboratory of Chemistry and Soil Fertility, Department of Soil Science and Land Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University. The purpose of to test the effectiveness of liquid organic fertilizer to the growth of caisim plants (Brassica juncea), Tosakan variety in Latosol Darmaga. The experiment design using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) comprised of seven treatments with five replications. Treatments consisted of no fertilizer added (Control), 100% chemical or standard fertilizer (PS), 75% liquid organic fertilizer (PO) + 50% PS, 75% PO + 75% PS, 100% PO + 50% PS, 100% PO + 75% PS, and 125% PO + 50% PS. The results showed that the effect of chemical (standard) fertilizer or a combination of chemical fertilizer and liquid organic fertilizer on the growth parameters (weight of fresh leaves and weight of dry leaves), leaf nutrient content (N and K), P nutrient content of root and nutrient uptake (N, P, and K) , and RAE value were significantly higher than control. Generally, liquid organic fertilizer showed the effectiveness if it was combined with chemical fertilizer of its lower rate (75%). It was the most effective fertilizer combination than other treatments.en
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleUji efektivitas pupuk organik cair terhadap produksi dan serapan hara tanaman Caisim (Brassica juncea) varietas Tosakan pada Latosol Darmagaen

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