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Antiatherosclerosis capacity of zn-chlorophyll derivatives from cassava leaves (Manihot esculenta Crank) on experimental rabbit

dc.description.abstractGreen vegetables contain much chlorophyll which has a potency as functional component of fwd. Previous studies showed that chlorophyll could act as antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammation, antigenotoxic, anticlastogenic, and antimutagenic. There are no reports on the toxic effect of chlorophyll or its derivatives in humans. The objectives of this research were (1) to determine the chlorophyll content of some green vegetables; (2) to study the formation of zinc (Zn) complex of chlorophyll derivatives at 4 levels of ion Zn2'; (3) to study the physical characteristics of Znchlorophyll derivatives; (4) to study the effect of Znchlorophyll derivatives on atherosclerosis of experimental rabbits; and (5) to study the effect of Zn-chlorophyll derivatives on the histopathological change in the liver and kidney of experimental atherosclerotic rabbits. The hypothesis of the research were (1) the color of Zn-chlorophyll derivatives was more stable and bright than native chlorophyll; (2) Zn-chlorophyll derivatives could prevent increasing of serum cholesterol level of experimental rabbits; (3) Znchlorophyll derivatives could prevent the fomation of lession on aorta of experimental rabbits; and (4) Znchlorophyll derivatives could prevent the development of fatty liver and protein precipitation on glomerular of experimental rabbit's kidney. The research was divided into four stages, that were, (1) determination of chlorophyll content of 10 kinds of green vegetables and 2 kinds of grasses, (2) extraction of chlorophyll from cassava leaves, preparation of chlorophyll derivatives and production of complex of Zn-chlorophyll derivatives, (3) evaluation of serum lipid profile of experimental rabbits given feed containing complex powder of Zn-chlorophyll derivatives, and (4) evaluation of lession on aorta and histopathological evident in the liver and kidney of experimental rabbits given feed containing complex powder of Zn-chlorophyll derivatives. The chlorophyll content of 10 kinds of green vegetables and 2 kinds of grasses (Amaranthus tricolor, lpomoea aqualytica, Manihot esculenta, Saumpus androgynus, Brassica chinensis, Vigna anguiculata, Phaseolus vulgaris, Pilea trinervia, Lactuca sativa, Ocinum americanum, Pennisetum purpureum and lmperata cylindrica) were analysed. The result of analysis showed that cassava leaves have highest chlorophyll content (3967.5 pglg) than others green vegetables (224.6 - 2202.0 pglg) and grasses (2326.3 - 2673.2 pglg). Therefore, chlorophyll was extracted from fresh cassava leaves usiqg ethanol 95%, and then a complex of Zn-chlorophyll derivatives was made. Zn-chlomph~ll derivatives were made by adding 0 ppm, 100 ppm, 150 ppm and 200 ppm of ion Zn ' as Zn-acetate dihydrate ((CH3C00)2Zn.2Hz0) to chlorophyll extract. After addition of dextrin, powder of Znchlorophyll derivatives were obtained by spray drying. Added 200 ppm of ion zn2' to chlorophyll extract yielded the best characteristics (color, water content, ash content, total zinc content, pH, and solubility) of Zn-chlorophyll derivativesid
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleDaya anti-aterosklerosis Zn-turunan klorofil dari daun singkong (Manihot esculenta Crantz) pada kelinci percobaanid
dc.titleAntiatherosclerosis capacity of zn-chlorophyll derivatives from cassava leaves (Manihot esculenta Crank) on experimental rabbiten

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