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Genetic parameter analysis and development of selection criteria for pineapple improvement (ananas comosus (l.) Merr.) in Indonesia.

dc.contributor.advisorPoerwanto, Roedhy
dc.contributor.advisorSurahman, Memen
dc.contributor.authorNasution, Muhammad Arif
dc.description.abstractDalam rangka mendukung program pemuliaan nenas dilakukan serangkaian percobaan mempergunakan 26 aksesi koleksi plasma nutfah nenas PKBT IPB dan 195 nenas hasil persilangan ‘Queen’ x ‘Smooth Cayenne’ dari program hibridisasi nenas PKBT IPB. Penelitian bertujuan untuk: (1) menduga parameter genetik dan heritabilitas serta hubungan beberapa karakter agronomi aksesi nenas koleksi plasma nutfah PKBT IPB, (2) mengetahui hubungan kekerabatan antara genotipe hasil persilangan berdasarkan penanda morfologi, penanda RAPD dan penanda gabungan morfologi-RAPD dan (3) mempelajari korelasi dan keragaman karakter agronomi hibrida hasil persilangan dan dilanjutkan dengan melakukan seleksi untuk mendapatkan nenas hibrida unggul. Penelitian dilakukan sejak bulan Mei 2003 sampai Desember
dc.description.abstractInformation of genetic variability, heritability an d correlation between quantitative characters with yields is very important to support Pineapple Hybridization Program in Indonesia. This study has been conducted in four topics namely: (1) estimation of genetic parameters at some quantitative characters of pineapple germplasm, (2) study on correlation between some quantitative characters of pineapple germplasm, (3) study on genetic variability of pineapple crosses based on morphology and RAPD markers, (4) multivariate analysis and selection of the PKBT ‘Queen’ x ‘Smooth Cayenne’ hybrid collection for superior high yield and fruit quality. The objectives of the first topic were to examined the genetic variability and heritability of the agronomic characters of germpla sm collection. A total of 26 accessions of pineapple germplasm collection were used in this study. The results of the research showed that the leaf number, leaf l ength, number of hapas, days to flowering, days to harvest, peduncle length, peduncle diameter, fruit weight, fruit length, number of spirals, flesh thickness, total acid and vitamin C content have wide genetic variability. The leaf number, leaf length, number of hapas, number of suckers, days of flowering, days to harvest, fruit length, number of spirals, flesh thickness, total acid and vitamin C content have high heritability value. The characters which have high genetic gain (> 50%) were peduncle length and vitamin C content.
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleAnalisis parameter genetik dan pengembangan kriteria seleksi bagi pemuliaan nenas (Ananas comonus (L.) Merr.) di Indonesiaid
dc.titleGenetic parameter analysis and development of selection criteria for pineapple improvement (ananas comosus (l.) Merr.) in Indonesia.en
dc.subject.keywordmorphology marker
dc.subject.keywordRAPD marker
dc.subject.keywordindependent culling level selection
dc.subject.keywordtruncation selection
dc.subject.keywordselection index

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