Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Evaluasi Karakter Vegetatif Hoya (Apocynaceae) di Kebun Raya Bogor 

      Gunaria, Yulad | Chikmawati, Tatik | Rahayu, Sri (2014)
      Hoya is epiphyte, lithophyte plant, or shrub. Information of morphological diversity is essential to it’s development as an ornamental plant. The aim of this research was to study the morphological diversity of vegetative ...
    • Keanekaragaman Selaginella di Jawa Barat. 

      Harli, Rahmadian | Chikmawati, Tatik | Akmal, Hilda (2013)
      Selaginella is a genus of ferns in the family Selaginellaceae. It is characterized by having small leaves and the spongarium on the tip of each branch. The society of West Java have been a long time used Selaginella as ...