Browsing Media Peternakan by Title
Now showing items 91-110 of 277
Kajian antibakteri temulawak, jahe dan bawang putih terhadap Salmonella lyphimuriam serta pengaruh bawang putih terhadap performans dan respon imun ayam pedaging
(2005)This research was condrrcted to investigate the antibacterial activity ofpowder oftemulalvalq ginger and garlic to S.q'phintriunwrngmodified agar well method. heliminary study strowed ttrat garlic porvder had the best ... -
Kajian Aspek "Protein Turnover" Tubuh pada Ayam Kedu Periode Pertumbuhan
(2006)Growth rate can be clarified based on body protein turnover in Kedu chicken given improved diet. Protein turnover is estimated according to the difference of protein synthesis and breakdown rates using the excretion of Nô ... -
Kajian penambahan ragi tape pada pakan terhadap konsumsi, pertambahan bobot badan, rasio konversi pakan, dan mortalitas tikus (Rattus norvegicus)
(2006)An experiment was conducted to examine the effect of different levels of tape yeast addition into rations on Rattus norvegicus performance, such as feed consumption, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio and mortality. ... -
Kappa-Casein Genotypic Frequencies in Holstein-Friesian Dairy Cattle in West Java Province
(2010)Kappa casein (ĸ-cn) gene as one of the four casein genes commonly has two variant alleles. B allele is positively correlated with milk proteins, so potentially be used as MAS to improve milk protein content. This study ... -
Karakteristik dan Tingkah Laku Ayam Hutan Merah (Gallus gallus spadiseus) di Dalam Kurungan
(1994)The red jungle fowl (RJF) known the single ancestral form of the domestic fowl inhabits in tropical forest area of Southeast Asia. The natural habitat for production of RJF is secondary forest and oil palm estates. They ... -
Karakteristik Organoleptik Daging Domba yang Diberi Stimulasi Listrik Voltase Rendah dan Injeksi Kalsium Klorida
(2006)Effect of low voltage electrical stimulation (LVES; 45 volt, 3 amps for approx 100 sec) and CaCl2 injection on sensory characteristic of mutton were evaluated. Six mutton were divided into 3 groups slaughtered. One carcass ... -
Karakteristik Semen Segar Dan Kualitas Semen Cair Kuda Dalam Pengencer Dimitropoulos Yang Disuplementasi Dengan Fruktosa Trehalosa Dan Rafinosa
(2007)The objective of the experiment was to study the characteristics of stallion fresh semen and the quality of sperm preserved in Dimitropoulos extender (DV) supplemented with different concentration of fructose, trehalose ... -
Karakteristik Semen Segar dan Kualitas Semen dan Kualitas Semen Cair Kuda dalam Penegncer Dimitropoulos yang Disuplementsi dengan Fruktosa, Trehalosa dan Rafinosa
(2007)The objective of the experiment was to study the characteristics of stallion fresh semen and the quality of sperm preserved in Dimitropoulos extender (DV) supplemented with different concentration of fructose, trehalose ... -
Karakteristik Ternak dan Karkas Sapi untuk Kebutuhan Pasar Tradisional dan Pasar Khusus
(1994)Di samping untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar tradisional, produksi daging sapi untuk kebutuhan pasar khusus seperti hotel, restoran dan institusi berkembang dengan pesat selama sepuluh tahun terakhir ini. Hal ini menuntut ... -
Keasaman cairan tubuh dan rasio kelamin anak domba garut (ovis Aries) yang diberi kation-anion ransum yang berbeda
(2008)The objective of this research was to determine the effects of dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) on acidity of ration, blood, vaginal mucous, and urine, number of fetus, number of offspring, and offspring sex ratio. ... -
Kelahiran Anak Sapi Hasil Fertilisasi secara in Vitro dengan Sperma Hasil Pemisahan
(2008)The aim of this study was to know the viability of embryo after fertilized in vitro with frozen separated sperm (sexing sperm). Eleven frozen embryos were transferred to six Bali cow and fi ve FH cow recipients. Two Bali ... -
Kemungkinan Penyediaan Hijauan Makanan Ternak melalui Pertanaman Ganda antara Jagung dengan Hijauan Kacang-kacangan
(1986)No signifioant effeots wore found on the growth and. l&'Oduot1on of mize interoropped with stylo, oentro or with oomb1nat1oll of bo~ ,forage legumes. ~e o~tive herbage yiold was also unaffected. A signifioant improvement ... -
Keragaman Genetik DNA Mikrosatelit dan Hubungannya dengan Performa Bobot Badan pada Domba Lokal
(2008)The objectives of this study were to evaluate polymorphism of microsatellite DNA through the investigation of microsatellite loci of CSSM18, ILST54 and IDVGA30 and its possible association with body weight of local sheeps. ... -
Ketersediaan Energi Ransum yang Mengandung Wheat Pollard Hasil Olahan Enzim Cairan Rumen yang Diproses Secara Steam Pelleting pada Ayam Broiler
(2004)based diets Wheat pollard is a common feed ingredient, but its non starch polysaccharide component is still a limiting factor as an anti nutrition. The combination treatment of enzymes from rumen liquor (DE) and steam ... -
Ketersediaan energi ransum yang mengandung Wheat pollard hasil olahan enzim cairan rumen yang diproses secara Steam pelleting pada Ayam Broiler
(2004)Wheat pollard is a common feed ingredient, but its non starch polysaccharide component is still a limiting factor as an anti nutrition. The combination treatment of enzymes from rumen liquor (DE) and steam pelleting (SP), ... -
Kinds and tannin content of Anoa diets (Bubalus sp.)
(2011)Study of kinds and tannin content of diets consumed by anoa is limited. This information is very important and necessary for anoa domestication. The aims of this research were to obtain information on kinds and tannin ... -
Kontribusi Pendapatan Usaha Ternak Sapi Potong Rakyat pada Pola Usaha Tani Terpadu
(1994)The research aim to know the correlation of the cattle raising contribution for family income and the optimally conhibution of the cattle raising fanning. The research method was survei with the sample technique was two ... -
Korelasi Fenotipa dan Genotipa Antara Produksi Susu dengan Kadar Lemak Susu Sapi Fries Hollandn di Balai Pembibitan Ternak Baturraden
(1985)The experiment was condusted to estimate phenotype and henotype correlation between production and fat content of milk and its heritability. Two hundred ask eleven lactation records of dairy cattle on milk production and ... -
Kualitas Daging Babi dengan Pemberian Zeolit dan Tepung Darah Sebagai Sumber Protein dalam Ransum
(2004)Zeolite is a composite minerals from mining which can be used as a source of minerals in animal ration. It has high absorbability and cation exchange characteristics. This study was aimed to examine the influence of zeolit ... -
Kualitas Fisik dan Mikroba Daging Sapi yang Ditambah Jahe (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) pada Konsentrasi dan Lama Penyimpanan yang Berbeda
(2004)The objective of this research was to determine the effect of ginger addition in pasta form with different concentration and time of storages on meat tenderness, total microbe, and pH value. The semimembranosus of 2 to 3 ...