Browsing Media Peternakan by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 277
Iriasan Komersial Karkas Kelinci dan Proporsi Dagingnya
(1983)Twenty one native rabbits oonsisted of 12 nales and 9 fenales, with body weight that varied from 1.00 to 1.70 kg for males and 1 -00 to 1.78 kg for females, mere killed a t the Faaul ty cf i?nimal S cienoe, Bogol: Ag~icutlu ... -
Studi Pendahuluan Program Pengembangan Peternakan Kambing di Daerah Transmigrasi Batumarta Sumatera Selatan
(1983)A preliminary study was conducted an March 1 - 10, 1983 to examine the possibility of goat development programme in the transmigration project of Batumarta, Eouth (If Sumatera. A total of 120 .Lransmigrant samples were ... -
Pengaruh Perbedahan Pertumbuhan terhadap Produksi "Daging" Kelinci Lokal
(1983)Thirty young male local rabbits, varied from 470 to 690 gram, were randomly devided into 3 groups. Three treatments were given, i.e. low growth rate to group I, low-high to group I1 and high to group 111, ... -
Pengaruh Tingkat Protein Ransum terhadap Produksi "Daging" Kelinci Lokal
(1983)The effect of protein level i n raticns on edible production of local rabbits mas studied. Five rations t h a t consisted of 11 to 1% crude f i b e r , 3 850 ~ c a l E/S~ner gy and (A) 9, (B) 12, (c) 15, (D) 18 and (E) ... -
Pengaruh Kadar Proteiin RAnsum Terhadap Performans Kelinci Lokal
(1983)Twenty five young male local rabbits varied from 630 to 730 gram (695 + 29 gram) were used, to study the effect of protein level on the feed c o n s ~ t i o n ,g ain, conversion, digestibility of energy and TDN. Five ... -
Distribusi Urat Daging pada Domba Priangan
(1983)Eighteen young Priangan sheep, consisted of 13 wethers and 5 ewe lambs were killed and their carcasses were dissected. is section resulted the prbportidns of nine standard muscle groups and the proportion of expensive ... -
Perbedaan Nyata Hasil Pengukuran Kadar Air Cairan Rumen dengan Metoda Toluen dan Metoda "Oven"
(1983)The water content of ruminal fluid of sheep was estimated from twenty four samples, using ;;oventl and toluen methods. Ruminal fluid was collected from sheep that were given a ration consis-ced ,)f 1 % MES dried cassava, ... -
Penggunaan Manure Ayam dan Manure Domba sebagai Bahan Campuran Ransum Ayam : Pengaruhnya terhadap Bobot Potongan Komersial Karkas Ayam Petelur Jantan
(1983)In this study, the right side carcases of male layers were cut to be neck, wing, leg, breast, back and lumbal. The cuts were dissected to be edible and bone. The rations that were given to the chicken were 1) commercial ... -
Penggunaan Manure Ayam dan Manure Domba sebagai Bahan Campuran Ransum Ayam Petelur Jantan: Pengaruhnya Terhadap Bobot Organ Tubuh, Bulu dan Darah Tertampung
(1983)The addition of 10% chicken manure, 10% sheep manure and 5% chicken manure + 5% sheep manure to a commercial ration had a significant e f f e c t on the weight of spleen (PL0.051, that of lungs plus trachea (P/0.05) and ... -
Pertumbuhan Saluran Pencernaan, Hati dan Pankreas Ayam Kampung dari Kecamatan Sukaraja, Kabupaten Sukabumi
(1983)Fifty three local chicken consisted of 28 males and 25 females, were used to study the growth of alimentary tract, liver and pancreas. Body wei&t varied from 100 to 2 000 g. Relative to empty body weight, the growth ... -
Perbandingan Kualitas Air Susu dari Perusahaan Peternakan Sapi Perah dan Peternakan Sapi Perah Rakyat di Kebon Pedes, Kotamadya Bogor
(1984)The quality of milk from dairy sm13 holder and t h ~ ftr om dairy enterprise WE?S compared, Eilk samples from 7 dairy entexprises and 14 dairy small holders were studies. XiLk from dairy small holdex and that s'som dairy ... -
Pengaruh Kadar Lemak Ransum terhadap Performans Kelinci Persilangan
(1984)Kadar lemak ransum sangat nyata mempengaruhi konsumsi, konversi dan daya cerna bahan kering ransum. Pertambahan bobot badan tidak nhyata dipengaruhi oleh kadar lemak ransum. Konsumsi dan konversi ransum berkurang, sedangkan ... -
Pengaruh Pembatasan Pemberian Ransum terhadap Saluran Pencernaan Kelinci Persilangan Jantan
(1984)A study on the effect of restricted feeding on the alimentary tract of 32 heads of male crossbred rabbit was carried out at the faculty of animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University. There were four treatment experimented ... -
Penambahan Lisin ke dalam Ransum dengan Jagung sebagai Butiran Utama: Pengaruhnya terhadap Performans Ayam Broiler
(1984)Penambahan lisin ke dalam ransum dengan jagung sebagai bahan utama dan tepung ikan sebagai sumber protein hewani, tidak mempunyai pengaruh yang nyata terhadap performans ayam broiler. Penambahan lisin mengakibatkan biaya ... -
Pengaruh Pembatasan Pemberian Ransum Terhadap Saluran Pencernaan Kelinci Persilangan Jantan
(1984)A study on the effect of restricted feeding on the alimentary t r a c t of 32 heads of male crossbred rabbit was carried out a t the Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University. There were four treatments ... -
Estimasi Bobot Hidup Sapi Bali Berdasarkan Ukuran Lingkar Dada
(1985)~ormulas t h a t were used to estimate body weight (BW) from heart g i r t h (HG) of Bali c a t t l e were affected by sex, location and season ( w e t and dry). Ln BIQ = -0.64069 + 1.20609 In HG i n wet season and In BW ... -
Pemeriksaan Macam Bakteri dari Lingkungan Pemeliharaan Kelinci di Lembang dan Bogor
(1985)Some specimens that c o ~ s i s t e do f food, swab of cage and fah/ eces, were collected from .two r&bitries,Bac.heria were examined and identified by microscopic, cillture and biochemical tests. Some bacter i a were ... -
Korelasi Fenotipa dan Genotipa Antara Produksi Susu dengan Kadar Lemak Susu Sapi Fries Hollandn di Balai Pembibitan Ternak Baturraden
(1985)The experiment was condusted to estimate phenotype and henotype correlation between production and fat content of milk and its heritability. Two hundred ask eleven lactation records of dairy cattle on milk production and ... -
Macam dan jumlah bakteria yang terdapat dalam semen pejantan sapi brahman di Lembang, Bandung
(1985)Wenty samples of semen were collected from 11 healthy Brahman bulls i n Lembang, Bandung. Eleven types of bacteria w e r e found i n the samples. They were Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus , Ebcardia, ... -
Pendugaan Bobot Kambing Peranakan Etawah dari Ukuran Tubuh
(1985)Body measurement were not significantly affected by sex in kacang x Etawah cross goats. Hearth girth (HG) was more closely related to the body weight (bw), as the animals grow. The growth coefficient relative to body weight ...