Browsing Media Gizi dan Keluarga by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 92
analisi tingkat ketahan pangan rumah tangga
(2003)The aim of this research was to analyze household food security level and its characteristics. Susenas data of 1999 from CBS become the source of this data. The results of this research were: 1) proportion of household ... -
Analisis determinan kelaparan
(2005)The purpose of this study was to analyze the prevalence and determinants of hunger. The study design was a cross-sectional study. The research was conducted in four areas (Bogor Municipality, Garut, Karawang, and Pandeglang ... -
Analisis Efektivitas Promosi Lembaga Amil Zakat Dalam Penghimpunan Zakat Bagi Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Dhuafa (Studi Kasus Lembaga Amil Zakat Dompet Dhuafa Republika)
(2006)This paper attempted to analyze the effectiveness of promotion towards the collection of Zakah fund in the process of improving poor family welfare by taking case study of Dompet Dhuafa Republika, a nationwide zakah agency. ... -
Analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberfungsian pasca gempa dan tsunami di Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
(2005)In the end of December 2004, earthquake and tsunami disaster attacked Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province and North Sumatera. The disaster caused : (a) the human victims with large numbers; (b) the paralyzed of basic community ... -
Analisis gender terhadap kebiasaan makan dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku positif pelajar sekolah menengah di Kota Bogor
(2008)The purpose of this study was to examine the impacts of family socio¬economic and family relations toward adolescent's positive behaviors. The study was conducted in 2001-2003 at four technical high schools and one senior ... -
Analisis pengatahuan gizi dan produk minunan sari buah kemasan dihubungkan dengan merek yang dikonsumsi pada mahasiswa IPB
(2005)The purpose of this study was to analyze the nutrition knowledge and fruit juice beverages product knowledge correlate to consumed brand specifically. The data were collected from 200 IPB students with food and non-food ... -
Analisis peran gender serta hubungannya dengan kesejahteraan keluarga petani padi dan hortikultura di daerah pinggiran perkotaan
(2008)Families with insufficient income can reduce their economic problems by making some adjustments. Families do coping strategy through the optimization of family resources in order to regain some control over their economic ... -
Analisis peubah konsumsi pangan dan sosio ekonomi rumah tangga untuk menentukan indikator kelaparan
(2007)The objective of the study was to analyze determinants of hunger. The study design was a cross-sectional study. Research was conducted in four areas (Bogor Municipality, Garut, Karawang, and Pandeglang Districts) in ... -
Analisis Status Gizi Anak Usia Di Bawah Dua Tahun (Baduta) Pada Program Jaring Pengaman Sosial Bidang Kesehatan (JPS-BK)
(2006)The objective of this research was to analyze the influence of the Social Safety Net-Health Sector Program (JPS-BK) on growth of under-two year children (baduta). The study was carried out in Kebumen, Purworejo and Sukohatjo ... -
Analisis strategi food coping keluarga dan penentuan indikator kelaparan
(2008)The research objectives were to analyze strategies in family food coping and to determine hunger indicators. The research design was retrospective and it was conducted in two difference area representing rural community ... -
The Analysis of Push Factors for Women in Deciding Working or Not Working (Case Study: Farmer and Fisherman Households in Latuhalat, Ambon)
(2003)The objectives of this research were (1) to determine the main factors motivating farmer and fisherman household wives in Latuhalat to work or not to work, and (2) to identify the kind of occupations and its contribution ... -
Aspek gizi dan keamanan pengan makanan jajanan di bursa kue Pasar Senen, Jakarta Pusat
(2003)The purpose of study was to evaluate nutritional value and food safety aspect of street food at Bursa Kue Subuh Pasar Senen, Jakarta Pusat. Moisture contents were between 35.61-72.85%, ash 0.20-2.81%, protein 1.13-6.42%, ... -
Biskuit Berbasis Konsentrat Protein Ikan Yang Diperkaya Probiotik Sebagai Makanan Fungsional Untuk Meningkatkan Imunitas Dan Status Gizi Anak Balita
(2005)This study were aimed to formulate biscuit based on Fish Protein Concentrate (FPC) and enriched with probiotic; and to evaluate the impact of biscuit feeding on immunity and nutritional status of underfive children. The ... -
Diagram kontrol statistika untuk penilaian status gizi secara antropometri
(2008)A complete set of intruments which is easy to be used for evaluating nutritional status anthropometricaly both for children and adult is not developed yet except health card so called "Kartu Menuju Sehat". KMS was designed ... -
Dukungan diri, keluarga dan masyarakat serta hubungannya dengan pemulihan penyakit jantung koroner (PJK) bagi pasien pria rumah sakit Pelni Jakarta
(2003)The objectives of this study were to identify type of self support as well as family and social supports on male patients with Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), and its association with the recovery of the CHD male out-patients, ... -
Efek jamu bersalin Galohgor terhadap envolusi interus dan gambaran darah tikus (Rattus sp.)
(2003). The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of Jamu Galohgor on uterus involution and blood performance after giving birth. The Jamu was prepared from 56 kinds of material. All materials were obtained from the ... -
Efek jamu bersalin galohgor terhadap involusi uterus dan gambaran darah tikus (Rattus sp.)
(2003)The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of Jamu Galohgor on uterus involution and blood performance after giving birth. -
Efek Kolesterolemik Berbagai Telur
(2003)This research was carried out for 8 weeks using several kind of fried and boiled eggs i.e. local chicken egg, chicken (layer) egg, duck egg and quail egg. Experimental rats (Wistar Cpb. WU) were used to evaluate the ... -
Effect Of Consumption Of Torbangun Soup (Coleus amboinicus Lour) On Micronutrient Intake Of The Bataknese Lactating Women
(2005)Defisiensi zat gizi mikro merupakan salah satu masalah utama yang banyak dialami ibu menyusui di negara sedang berkembang. Wanita Balak di Sumalera Utara yang sedang menyusui memiliki tradisi mengkonsumsi sop daun Torbangun ... -
Evaluasi mutu indrawi, kandungan dan mutu gizi produk makanan tambahan ibu hamil yang difortifikasi zat mikro
(2007)Good nutritional status before and during pregnancy is very important and critical to prevent low birth weight and retarded child growth. Feeding program with supplementary food for pregnant women is one alternative to ...