Browsing Forum Pascasarjana by Title
Now showing items 44-56 of 56
Serapan hara oleh lada perdu (pper ningrum L.) pada kerapatan tanaman dan pemupukan yang beragam di bawah tegakan kelapa
(2011)The arrangement of planting density and method of fertilizer application constitutes one among many cultivation techniques to increase productivity of pepper plantation. The development of shrub pepper is an alternative ... -
Strategi Pengembangan Agroindustri Berbasis Kakao Di Indonesia
(2006)This research was conducted with system approach whidl aim to identify !he main components that important to cocoa-based agro-induslrial development strategy. Factors. actors. and goals of cocoa-based agro-industrial ... -
Strategi Pengembangan Perikanan Pelagis Kecil di Perairan Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara
(2010)Southeast Maluku District waters has abundance fisheries resources, especially small pelagic fisheries, but its poorly managed. That is identified from inadequate infrastructure with traditional fishing effort. ... -
Strategi Peningkatan Kinerja kelembagaan dan pembiayaan pengelolaan irigasi
(2006)The general purpose of this research is to formulate the strategy of water resources management, especially on irrigation system on interregional of economic cooperation to increase development regional economic. -
Studi Karakteristik Emulsi Campuran Minyak Sawit dan Minyak Jarak sebagal Bahan Dasar Rolling Oil
(2003)Rolling oil adalah pelumas yang digunakan dalam proses pengerjaan logam (metalworking) dalam bentuk emulsi minyak dalam air. Karakter rolling oil tergantung pada 1) jenis minyak sebagai bahan dasar pelumas (basic lubricant), ... -
Studi Morfologi, Perilaku Reproduksi, Habitat dan Kadungan Pestisida Pada Burung Wilwo (Mycteria cinerea) Dalam Musim Berbiak Di Suaka Margasatwa Pulau Rambut, Jakarta
(2005)The researc~ was conducted to examine the morphology of male and female of Mil'''' Stork In the field, nest trees and reproduction (sexual' feeding re t· behnTa vior and growt h a f young and pes'tic i.d e content within ... -
Studi tentang pengelolaan sampah padat rumah tangga di kota Meulaboh, kabupaten Aceh Barat provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
(2005)The aim of the research was to study the system of waste management Meulaboh city, role of government and community in household waste management and the factors influenced role of household waste management conducted by ... -
Suatu Penilaian NMR Kumulatif Terhadap NMR TPB sebagai Gold Standar (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa IPB Angkatan 30-Angkatan 33)
(2002)Degree of agreement between a given measurement method with gold standard method is often observed in a variety of field study. Laurent estimator, blended estimator, and agreement limit of 95% may be used as criteria to ... -
Tanggap kedelai (Glycine max (L.)Merr.) terhadap pupuk mikro Zn, Cu, B pada beberapa dosis pupuk kandang di tanah latosol
(1991)The experiment was conducted on a Latosol soil at Cikarawang, Bogor, to investigate the response of plant growth, production and seed size of soybean (Glycine mw (L.) Merr.) to applications of chicken manure and micronutrients ... -
Teknik penghitungan koefisien rekombinasi dengan contoh kasus lokus MDH, esterase dan warna hipokotil pada setaria italica
(1989)Coefficient of recombination between two loci can be estimated from it's maximum likelihood function. Newton approximation method that was combined with computer programation can be used on that estimation. Application of ... -
The Effect of Soil Moisture Content on Power Requirement and Wheel Slip of Tractor
(1989)Penelitian tentang kebutuhan tenaga dan slip roda traktor telah dilaksanakan di kampung Pulung Kencana, Kecamatan Tulang Bawang Tengah, Kabupaten Lampung Utara, Propinsi Lampung, pada musim penghujan tahun 1979. Jenis tanah ... -
Tingkat kejadian mitotoksin pada makanan bayi asal Indonesia (the incidence of mycotoxin in baby food from Indonesia)
(2004)fifty-five samples of baby food from Indonesia have been studied to detect incidence of mcotoxin using direct competitive enzyme-linked immunoserbent assay (ELISA). From this research, it was found 31 samples positive ...